CITRIS Research Exchange – Spring 2018

…PM&R Neuromuscular Research Center; Associate Director, UC Davis NeuroNEXT Clinical Research Center; Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, UC Davis Watch Interested in suggesting a Research Exchange speaker?…

Center for Smart Sustainable Energy Technologies

…(HELIOS) and building energy research at LBNL, national energy research efforts such as the Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative, and energy research at other industrial and university research centers around the world….

Crowdfunding: Setting the Research Agenda, Oct 17

…preliminary research results to share, they would be appreciated, however, we also welcome thoughtful expositions and research designs. Please send proposals by Aug. 1, 2013, to Hazel Palaski: We…

Joint Nokia research project to capture traffic data

…transform the way drivers navigate through congested highways and obtain information about road conditions. In the unprecedented field experiment, transportation researchers tested the feasibility of using GPS-enabled mobile phones to…

Online Constellation of Opinions

…see where he or she falls in a field of opinions on a certain subject, but with much greater nuance than the typical red-state/blue-state representation. The site describes its mission…