Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS) 2020

A day-long symposium highlighting the very latest research in the EECS department and featuring a slate of informative talks offered by distinguished faculty members and advanced graduate students. This year,…

Caroline Rodier

Caroline has over fifteen years experience in transportation and environmental planning and policy analysis. As a senior researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Rodier has conducted evaluation research

Kannan Ramchandran

research at Berkeley in 2001, and an Outstanding Teaching Award at Berkeley in 2009, and a Hank Magnuski Scholar award at Illinois in 1998. His research interests are broadly in…

Professor John D. Owens

…at the University of California, Berkeley in 1995. Go Bears! Research I am interested in broad topics in the field of computer systems, in particular those that use innovative hardware…

Andrew Neureuther

…of research has become computer-aided modeling of lithography and semiconductor fabrication processes. The latter began in 1972 through an industrial leave at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center to…

Professor Seth Sanders

…electric machine systems, and in nonlinear circuit and system theory as related to the power electronics field. He is presently actively supervising research projects in the areas of flywheel energy…

Jonathan P. Heritage

Professor Heritage is conducting research in microphotonics, terahertz bandwidth optics, next generation optical networks, optical microwave interactions and vacuum optoelectonics. Recent developments include MEMS mirror arrays for all optical switching,…

Brian Kolner

Research Interests: 1. Space-time analogies in electromagnetics: There is an intriguing analogy between the equations that describe the natural diffraction of electromagnetic wave in space and the spreading or dispersion…

Shu Lin

…of Hawaii. From 1978 to 1979, he was a Visiting Scientist at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, where he worked on error control protocols for…

Deirdre Mulligan

…professor Kenneth Bamberger, was recently published by MIT Press. Mulligan and Bamberger received the 2016 International Association of Privacy Professionals Leadership Award for their research contributions to the field of…

Nic Brummell

My interests lie in astrophysical and geophysical fluid dynamics. I concentrate on the highly nonlinear, turbulent flow regimes, using high resolution numerical simulations for such studies. In particular, my research

Andrew Fisher

My research focuses on physical and chemical hydrogeology on land and below the seafloor. My research group and colleagues have completed projects focusing on groundwater recharge, surface water – groundwater…

Professor Jim Whitehead

…the area of games include level design and procedural content generation. In the field of software engineering, Jim performs research on software bug prediction, software repository mining, and software evolution….

Christopher Wilmers

…other species? In practice, we use various methods ranging from purely empirical to purely theoretical to address these questions. Our focus, however, is to combine mathematical models with rigorous field

Francesco Borrelli

…one hundred publications in the field of predictive control. He is author of the book Constrained Optimal Control of Linear and Hybrid Systems published by Springer Verlag, the winner of…

Evan Variano

Professor Variano’s teaching and research focus on environmental fluid mechanics & the physics of fluid motion in the environment. This includes a variety of phenomena on a variety of scales,…

Jeffrey Tanji

Sports medicine is a rapidly evolving field that encompasses more than the care of an elite athlete. Industrial “athletes,” recreational athletes, and individuals with medical conditions and disabilities are all…

Laura Marcu

Research Interest Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging, Biophotonic Technology Development: The mission of our research laboratory is to promote better diagnostic, treatment and prevention of human diseases through advancements in biophotonic…

Tingrui Pan

Dr. Tingrui Pan is the Director of the MiNI Lab, an incubator for exploratory interdisciplinary research bridging nano engineering and biomedicine. Research interests include: Innovative Micro/Nanofabrication Technologies We keep seeking…

Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu

…conductive polymers and biological materials, he moved to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center as Research Scientist I. In March 2005, he became faculty (assistant professor level) within the Surgery Department, and the…