A Memorial Service for Dr. Gary Baldwin, Director of Special Projects, CITRIS @ Berkeley will be held in Palo Alto on Sunday, January 16, 2011 at 2:30pm
UC Davis
Rudd Family Foundation Big Ideas at Berkeley: Student-Led Innovation is Changing the World
John Seely Brown is a visiting scholar and advisor to the Provost and the Independent Co-Chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge. He is the former Chief Scientist of Xerox Corporation and the director of its Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).
Research Exchange: Research to Further Education
As a nation, over half of our students fail Algebra every year. Agile Mind was founded with the mission of changing what happens between educators and students in the classroom in ways that improve the quality of instruction of high school mathematics and science, especially in underserved areas.
Dr. Gary Baldwin dies at 67
Dr. Gary Baldwin, Director of Special Projects, CITRIS @ Berkeley, passed away on November 16, 2010, after a short battle with cancer.
Research Exchange: Ten Myths of ICT for International Development
The past decade has seen incredible interest in applying information and communication technologies for international development, an endeavor often abbreviated “ICT4D.”
Research Exchange: Formal Methods for Dependable Computing: From Models, through Software, to Circuits
Computing has become ubiquitous and indispensable: it is embedded all around us, in cell phones, automobiles, medical devices, and much more. This ubiquity brings with it a growing challenge to ensure that our computing infrastructure is also dependable and secure. We need to develop and maintain complex software systems on top of increasingly unreliable computing substrates under stringent resource constraints such as energy usage.
i4Energy seminar schedule for the fall 2010 semester
Learn more about the exciting talks on energy efficiency this semester at CITRIS
Research Exchange schedule for the fall
The fall series is now available.
Research Exchange: Automatic Speech Recognition at 60: Old and Immature
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a venerable discipline, with significant research papers going back to the early 1950’s. Given this long history, ASR is often viewed as a mature field. However, like human beings, a research topic can be old without being mature.
i4Energy Seminar: How We Do It: The UC Davis Energy Efficiency Center’s Model for Making a Difference
The UC Davis Energy Efficiency Center was formed five years ago to advance the commercialization of energy efficient technologies and to prepare the next generation of leaders in energy efficiency.
Research Exchange: Leveraging Machine-learning and Crowdsourcing to Process Text Messages in the world’s Less-resourced Language
Text-messaging has quickly become the dominant form of remote communication in much of the world, surpassing email, phone calls and even grid electricity. This has social development and crisis response organizations to leverage mobile technologies to support health, banking, access to market information, literacy and emergency response.
Research Exchange: Innovation in the Health Care Enterprise
The evaluation and management of new information technologies is an increasing challenge for health care organizations that want to establish innovation as a core strategic capability.
Research Exchange: Opinion Space: Using Dimensionality Reduction to Visualize Public Opinion and Crowdsource Insights
Opinion is notoriously ill-defined and subject to biases and uncertainty principles. On March 15 2010, the U.S. State Department launched Opinion Space, a visualization tool for world opinion developed by students and colleagues at the UC Berkeley Center for New Media.
Research Exchange: Invasion of the Digital World in Art, Entertainment, Social Media and More
In his talk, Dr. Jacob will take you on a guided tour of what your life could be in the short and long-term future. We are increasingly living in a physical world augmented by the arrival of many digital worlds. When you watch a movie, you don’t know when the real actors are shown on the screen versus wire-framed computer-generated clones.
Research Exchange: The Google Book Settlement as Copyright Reform
The proposed Google Book Search (GBS) settlement can be viewed as a way to achieve copyright reform through the class action settlement process. This is especially evident in its plan for commercializing orphan works and in the compromises it embodies concerning revenue splits for authors and publishers in respect of ambiguous contracts about e-book rights and its new procedures to ensure that author reversion rights will be effectuated.
Workshop: Enabling Technologies Development Project
The goal is to develop new and innovative technologies that will lead to 10x the capabilities of current products at 1/10x the cost. An additional even more challenging goal is to also achieve 10x reliability. The intent of the project is to also promote research collaboration between the universities, national laboratories, and private industry.
Scientific Colloquium for Healthcare, Engineering and Medicine (SCHEME III)
This session is the next one in our series of bringing together clinicians and medical researchers to discuss possible research collaborations.
Scientific Colloquium for Healthcare, Engineering and Medicine (SCHEME III)
This session is the next one in our series of bringing together clinicians and medical researchers to discuss possible research collaborations.
Parallel Computing Short Course at UC Berkeley
This three-day hands-on short course on Parallel Computing will have have added lectures on parallel debugging and verification techniques.
July newsletter online
This recent newsletter has stories on (1) Cory Hall Testbed project through i4Energy, which installed a network of
monitoring equipment to track the flow and use of electricity, and (2) a new program, Cleantech to Market, that is
partnering with CITRIS to help select suitable clean energy projects and bring them to
Making Clean Energy Real: C2M
A new Haas School of Business program, called Cleantech to Market (C2M), is partnering with CITRIS to help select suitable projects and bring them to market.
The Power of Cory Hall: i4Energy’s Testbed for the Future
Ten months ago, i4Energy received a grant from the CEC to rig Berkeley's Cory Hall with sensors. The project installed a network of
monitoring equipment to track the flow and use of electricity.
Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy, Lake Tahoe
Moving Sustainable Technologies Out of the Lab and into the World
CITRIS Chief Scientist Thomas Nesbitt Receives Leadership Award
Thomas Nesbitt, CITRIS Chief Scientist and associate vice chancellor for strategic technologies and alliances for UC Davis Health System, has received the 2010 Leadership Award for the Advancement of Telemedicine from the American Telemedicine Association.