Research Exchange: Research to Further Education

Research to Further Education

Lecture: Research Exchange | November 17 | 12-1 p.m. | Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Aud., 3rd floor

Deborah Zimmerman, Director of Production, Agile Mind

CITRIS (Ctr for Info Technology Research in the Interest of Society)

Live broadcast at mms://; Questions can be sent via Yahoo IM to username: citrisevents. The schedule for the fall Research Exchange is at

As a nation, over half of our students fail Algebra every year. Agile Mind was founded with the mission of changing what happens between educators and students in the classroom in ways that improve the quality of instruction of high school mathematics and science, especially in underserved areas. We use technology to provide broad and equitable access to best practices, enhance the classroom experience, support R & D at low cost, and provide an empirical basis for our services., 510-643-4866

Coming Soon. Event will be webcast live and then put on youtube: