Dear Friends and Colleagues,
With great sadness I wanted to let you know that Dr. Gary Baldwin, Director of Special Projects, CITRIS @ Berkeley, passed away on November 16, 2010, after a short battle with cancer. We will remember him for his dedication to the CITRIS mission and his earlier work with GSRC.
Always hard-working and devoted to Berkeley, we will miss him enormously.
On behalf of Dr. Gary Baldwin’s wife, Gini, and the rest of his family, I would like to let you know about his upcoming memorial service. It will take place on Sunday, January 16, 2011 at 2:30pm at:
Lucie Stern Community Center, Stern Ballroom
1305 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto, CA 94301-3349
(650) 463-4900
We are honoring Gini’s wish to have only one memorial service which is at this location. Memorial services will not be held at the UC Berkeley campus.
Please let my colleague Lorie Mariano know if you would like to attend, and she can relay the message to the family. She can be reached at: or (510) 643-2217 or (510) 316-4922.
In addition, the family has informed us about two of Gary’s favorite charities, in case anyone is looking to make a gift in his memory.
(1) Pathways Hospice Foundation, 585 N. Mary Ave, Sunnyvale, Ca 94085
(2) Peninsula Open Space Trust, 222 High Street, Palo Alto 94301.
Thank you so much for your messages of love for Gary. We have sent them on to Gini to let her know how much he is missed here by you and all of us. We are also preparing a small booklet with these notes and photos to present to her. If you’d like to include anything, please also send to Lorie.
With kindness and regards, Paul