CITRIS/CSE talk on Science and the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

How can science support efforts to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons and strengthen non-proliferation? Science and scientists have been engaged in support of many security building and arms control and disarmament efforts within different political and administrative frames.

DASH to the Next Gen of Robots: Small, Cheap, and Feral

The Dynamic Autonomous Sprawled Hexapod is a micro-robot made of paperboard and off-the-shelf electronics that could assist in recovery from natural disasters by crawling into spaces too dangerous for rescue workers to enter.

February Newsletter is online

The latest CITRIS newsletter is now online, witha story about a micro-robot made of paperboard and off-the-shelf electronics that could assist in recovery from natural disasters, and an interview with Greg Niemeyer, who creates games that can help engage people with serious issues, particularly that of climate change.

Groundbreaking for California Telehealth Resource Center

UC Davis physicians, nurses and administrative leaders gathered Friday, Jan. 15, to mark the official groundbreaking for the new California Telehealth Resource Center on the grounds of the university’s Sacramento campus. The four-story, $36 million building is designed to enhance and complement UC Davis’ expertise in the field of telehealth, which is the use of high-speed telecommunications for medical services. Read the full article.

CITRIS Faculty Weigh in on COP15

On December 7, 2009, representatives of the world’s governments convene
in Copenhagen, Denmark, seeking agreement between nations to regulate
and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions after 2012, when the current
treaty, known as the Kyoto Protocol, expires.

Javeed Siddiqui Appointed as CITRIS Medical Director

Javeed Siddiqui, M.D was recently appointed as Medical Director of CITRIS. Dr. Siddiqui’s work to advance healthcare access and quality through the use of technology has made significant contributions to the field. His project management and strategic planning experience in technology advancement will be valuable throughout the CITRIS community.

Student Competition 2009: $30K in prizes

CITRIS is proud to announce the fourth annual CITRIS White
Paper competition, which will give away $30K in cash prizes for the best ideas
that demonstrate the ability of IT to address a major societal challenge.

Dedication of new CITRIS headquarters

The newest research facility on the campus of UC Berkeley was dedicated on Friday, Feb. 27, and embodies the innovation and entrepreneurship needed to fuel economic growth and arrives at a time when the state and nation seek relief from the recession. Photos and video

Robots Rush In: In Search-and-Rescue Operations Teamwork is Everything

Rushing into damaged buildings is dangerous and can endanger not
only rescue workers but also the victims they are working to save.
Sending in robots that are equipped with various kinds of sensors to do
reconnaissance is much safer, and these robots can search for signs of
life and report back to waiting operators.