The spring semester schedule for the CITRIS Research Exchange is now online.
UC Davis
Theater Performance at the 2008 Holiday Gala is online
The theater performance by Gail de Kosnik and her colleagues at the annual Holiday Gala is now online.
Robots Rush In: In Search-and-Rescue Operations Teamwork is Everything
Rushing into damaged buildings is dangerous and can endanger not
only rescue workers but also the victims they are working to save.
Sending in robots that are equipped with various kinds of sensors to do
reconnaissance is much safer, and these robots can search for signs of
life and report back to waiting operators.
Taming Traffic with Your Phone: The Mobile Millennium Project
Traffic in the San Francisco Bay Area is bad. The Mobile Millennium gathers real-time data to make it better.
Berkeley Computational Science and Engineering NEWS: NERSC made the No. 7 system in TOP500
Berkeley Computational Science and Engineering NEWS: NERSC made the No. 7 system in TOP500, Top Spot on Latest List of World’s TOP500 Supercomputers The No. 7 system, called Franklin, is the second new Cray XT5 system. It is installed at DOE’s NERSC Center at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and achieved 266.3 Tflop/s.
Presentations from TIER workshop
Presentations from the recent TIER workshop are now online at
Check your carbon footprint at CoolClimate Calculator
The CoolClimate Calculator ( has been developed by researchers at the Berkeley Institute of the Environment to help US households evaluate their complete climate footprints, including all direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, household energy, food, goods and services.
Copenhagen Climate Congress
The University of Copenhagen is hosting an
international scientific congress on climate change March 10-12, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Findings will be compiled in a book on climate
change, and an excecutive summary will be handed
over to policy makers at the COP15.
The Deadline for paper submissions for the Copenhagen Climate Congress is November 1, 2008.
October Newsletter is online
The October newsletter is now online, featuring stories games for medical diagnosis and technology for giving voices to disenfranchised communities.
Big Ideas competition story in Science magazine
A recent article on Big Ideas appeared in Science magazine.
Watch live at 4:00 p.m.: Open Innovation Series talk by Carol Mimura
The talk is live online at 4:00 p.m. mms://
Videos from the Services in Health care conference are on YouTube
Talks and discussions from the recent Services in Health care conference are online at
Research Exchange schedule for the fall is now available
The fall semester schedule for the popular Research Exchange series is now on-line.
UC Students travel to Denmark for Renewable Energy Summer Program
Faculty at the University of California, Santa Cruz,
have organized a renewable energy program that will bring together U.S.
and Danish students for four weeks this summer in Lolland, Denmark.
Newsletter: Smart HCCI Cars, and Predicting Direct Solar Irradiance
The June 2008 newsletter is now online, with two stories on key energy projects in both engine development and predicting solar availability for utilities.
Cell Phone as a Platform for Healthcare Awards from MSR
CITRIS projects at Berkeley and Santa Cruz using cell phones as a
healthcare platform are among the projects supported by a recent Microsoft Research initiative.
Winners announced for Big Ideas contest
Six projects were awarded a total of $30K at this year's CITRIS Big Ideas contest, with the top two prizes going to healthcare-related issues.
UCSC computer scientists develop solutions for long-term storage of digital data
Ethan Miller's group has come up with a new approach, called Pergamum, which uses hard
disk drives to provide energy-efficient, cost-effective storage.
Newsletter online: CellScope, and Eye care in India
The April newsletter features stories about technology for social impact: CellScope (cell phone + microscope) and enabling eye care in India using cheap, reliable Wi-Fi.
Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy, July 7 – 11, 2008
The Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy (GTEA)
provides science and engineering research faculty, post-docs and doctoral
students with the necessary knowledge and skills to move environmentally
sustainable and green technology research out of the laboratory and into
Video from Chris Somerville’s talk is available
The video from Chris Somerville's talk on "Development of Cellulosic Biofuels" is now available online.
Next-generation nuclear power and Monitoring air quality
Read about innovative work at CITRIS in the latest newsletter, now on-line.
CITRIS welcomes Heidi Hallett to staff
CITRIS is pleased to welcome Heidi Hallett as our new colleague and leader of the business aspects of CITRIS on all four campuses.
C-GRACE International Meeting in Copenhagen
In June 2008, CITRIS is organizing C-GRACE, one of several mission-critical
meetings leading up to the next U.N. Climate Summit: