Robots Rush In: In Search-and-Rescue Operations Teamwork is Everything

Rushing into damaged buildings is dangerous and can endanger not
only rescue workers but also the victims they are working to save.
Sending in robots that are equipped with various kinds of sensors to do
reconnaissance is much safer, and these robots can search for signs of
life and report back to waiting operators.

Check your carbon footprint at CoolClimate Calculator

The CoolClimate Calculator ( has been developed by researchers at the Berkeley Institute of the Environment to help US households evaluate their complete climate footprints, including all direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, household energy, food, goods and services.

Copenhagen Climate Congress

The University of Copenhagen is hosting an
international scientific congress on climate change March 10-12, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Findings will be compiled in a book on climate
change, and an excecutive summary will be handed
over to policy makers at the COP15.

The Deadline for paper submissions for the Copenhagen Climate Congress is November 1, 2008.

October Newsletter is online

The October newsletter is now online, featuring stories games for medical diagnosis and technology for giving voices to disenfranchised communities.

Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy, July 7 – 11, 2008

The Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy (GTEA)
provides science and engineering research faculty, post-docs and doctoral
students with the necessary knowledge and skills to move environmentally
sustainable and green technology research out of the laboratory and into