Research Exchange: Invasion of the Digital World in Art, Entertainment, Social Media and More

Invasion of the Digital World in Art, Entertainment, Social Media and More

Seminar | September 29 | 12-1 p.m. | Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Auditorium, 3rd floor

Jean Paul Jacob, Special Advisor to CITRIS

CITRIS (Ctr for Info Technology Research in the Interest of Society)

The schedule for the fall Research Exchange is at

In his talk, Dr. Jacob will take you on a guided tour of what your life could be in the short and long-term future. We are increasingly living in a physical world augmented by the arrival of many digital worlds. When you watch a movie, you don’t know when the real actors are shown on the screen versus wire-framed computer-generated clones. When Indiana Jones is surrounded by snakes and serpents, the only risk for him is … a computer crash. Robots performing delicate surgeries, intelligent mirrors, user-designed products, flying cars, 3D virtual worlds like Second Life, ink on a dead tree – – also known as books and newspapers – – replaced by e-ink, etc., are all part of the continuously augmented physical world. What else is “out there” ready to invade our lives? Jean Paul will show examples of this invasion of digital/virtual worlds in the arts & entertainment, sensors, social networks, healthcare and medicine, 3D web and Internet, and more. Please join him for this exciting tour of your future!, 510-643-4866

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