i4energy seminar series for Spring 2011

The Spring 2011 i4Energy Seminar Series. The Spring 2011 speaker series is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Gary Baldwin, the first Managing Director of the i4Energy Center.


Dr. Gary Baldwin was the first director of the i4Energy Center, and this semester’s series is dedicated to him.

All talks take place at noon in the Banatao Auditorium on the 3rd floor of Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley, unless otherwise noted.

The CITRIS-LBNL-CIEE i4Energy Center focuses on the development of information technology systems that facilitate significant energy and cost savings. Free and open to the public, the i4Energy Speaker Series is a weekly roundtable of lectures and discussions that highlight these research issues.

JANUARY 21  Measuring the Usability of Thermostats and Other Really Annoying Devices
Alan Meier, LBNL
Link to video on YouTube

JANUARY 28   Selling Random Energy
Kameshwar Poolla, UC Berkeley
*Room 250, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
Link to video on YouTube

FEBRUARY 4   Plausible Futures for Electric Grid Architecture: A Scenario Planning Exercise
Merwin Brown, CIEE
*Room 250, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
Link to video on YouTube

FEBRUARY 11  Synchrophasors: How They Are Making the Grid Smarter
Lloyd Cibulka, CIEE
Link to video on YouTube

FEBRUARY 18  The Demand Side: What Behavioral Patterns Stand in the Way?
Jim Sweeney, Stanford University
Link to video on YouTube

FEBRUARY 25   Why Fluorescent Lighting Isn’t Dead
Francis Rubinstein, LBNL
Link to video on YouTube

MARCH 4   A Primer to Competitive Electricity Markets: Smart Markets for a Smart Grid
Shmuel Oren, UC Berkeley
Link to video on YouTube

MARCH 11  The Printing of Energy Scavenging and Storage Devices
James Evans, UC Berkeley
Link to video on YouTube

MARCH 18 High-Performance Computing Challenges for Magnetic Fusion Simulations
Eric Sonnendrucker, Université de Strasbourg
*Room 250, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
Link to video on YouTube

MARCH 25   No seminar due to spring break holiday

APRIL 1   California Smart Grid Center – Education Opportunities in Power Engineering and Certificate Programs
Emir Macari and Suresh Vadhva, CSUS
Link to video on YouTube

APRIL 8  Emerging Cyber Security Issues of the Smart Grid
Isaac Ghansah, CSUS
Link to video on YouTube

APRIL 15  CANCELED Entirely New and Better Approaches to Conditioning Buildings
Ed Arens, UC Berkeley

APRIL 22   Exploring the Potential and Contribution of Waste for Reaching Zero Net Energy and Zero Landfill-waste at UC Merced
Gerardo Diaz, UC Merced
Link to video on YouTube