The seminars will take place on Wednesday at noon in the Banatao Auditorium of Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus, and box lunches are provided.
As always, these talks are free, open to the public and broadcast live on-line at mms:// the day and time of the event, and questions can be sent remotely to Yahoo IM: citrisevents. All talks may be viewed on our YouTube channel:
SEPTEMBER 8 Local Codes: Mapping and transforming a City’s Forgotten Public Space
Nicholas de Monchaux [Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, UC Berkeley]
Link to video on Youtube
SEPTEMBER 15 No seminar this week
SEPTEMBER 22 The Google Book Settlement as Copyright Reform
Pamela Samuelson [Professor, Berkeley Law School and the School of Information]
Link to video on YouTube
SEPTEMBER 29 Invasion of the Digital World in Art, Entertainment, Social Media and More
Jean Paul Jacob [Special Advisor to CITRIS]
Link to video on YouTube
OCTOBER 6 Opinion Space: Using Dimensionality Reduction to Visualize Public Opinion and Crowdsource Insights
Ken Goldberg [BCNM, IEOR, EECS, School of Information]
Link to video on YouTube
OCTOBER 13 Innovation in the Health Care Enterprise
Yan Chow [Director of Innovation and Advanced Technology, Kaiser Permanente]
Link to video on YouTube
OCTOBER 20 Leveraging Machine-learning and Crowdsourcing to Process Text Messages in the world’s Less-resourced Languages
Robert Munro [Graduate Fellow, in Linguistics Stanford University]
Link to video on YouTube
OCTOBER 27 Automatic Speech Recognition at 60: Old and Immature
Nelson Morgan [Director, International Computer Science Institute]
Link to video on YouTube
NOVEMBER 3 Formal Methods for Dependable and Secure Computing: From Algorithms, through Software, to Circuits
Sanjit A. Seshia [Asst. Professor of EECS, UC Berkeley]
Link to video on YouTube
NOVEMBER 10 Ten Myths of ICT for International Development
Kentaro Toyama [Researcher, School of Information, UC Berkeley]
Link to video on YouTube
NOVEMBER 17 Research to Further Education
Deborah Zimmerman [Director of Production, Agile Mind]
Link to video on YouTube
NOVEMBER 24 No seminar this week
DECEMBER 1 Designing Energy-Efficient Integrated Circuits and Systems
Elad Alon [Asst. Professor of EECS, UC Berkeley]
Link to video on YouTube
DECEMBER 8 Terrain-relative-navigation of AUVs: From the Seafloor to Drifting Icebergs
Stephen Rock [Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University]
Link to video on YouTube