CITRIS is sponsoring a $20K "white paper" competition that is open to teams of undergraduate and graduate students from all 4 CITRIS campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Santa Cruz, and Merced). Papers are due May 1, 2006. More
IBM Researchers Visit UC Merced
The UC Merced School of Engineering recently hosted two researchers from the IBM Almaden Research Center: Associate Lab Director Robin Williams and Senior Manager of Service Systems Research Paul Maglio, who presented examples of research and ideas on future directions from Almaden and discussed CITRIS and other collaboration possibilities.
Interview with Robert Bea online
UC Berkeley professor Robert Bea discusses the progress of levee rebuildng in New Orleans in an online interview with the Earth & Sky radio series.
CITRIS Newsletter
The latest edition of the CITRIS Newsletter features an article on the pioneering new research and new collaborations UC Merced and another article on the emergence of services, a new field of education and research being developed with help from CITRIS.
Institute for Scalable Scientific Data Management (ISSDM) formed
The University of California, Santa Cruz, and Los Alamos National Laboratory have agreed to establish a new collaborative institute, the Institute for Scalable Scientific Data Management (ISSDM), for research and education in the area of scientific data management.
Services: Science, Management and Engineering curriculum launched
pleased to announce that IBM is supporting a new curriculum initiative
in Services: Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) designed to
prepare graduate students for careers in the emerging multidisciplinary field of services sciences, engineering, and management.
Two scientists appointed as CITRIS leaders
We are pleased to announce the appointment of two new scientists to the CITRIS leadership. As of January 1, Prof. Alex Pang is the new Chief Scientist for the UC Santa Cruz campus, and Prof. Paul Wright is the Chief Scientist for the UC Berkeley campus.
RAD Lab established
Three technology companies are providing researchers at the University of California, Berkeley with $7.5 million to help entrepreneurs make their innovations available to as wide an audience as possible.
CITRIS Holiday Gala
Photos from the CITRIS Holiday Gala are now online. At this gathering students, faculty, staff, and other members of the CITRIS and Engineering communities enjoyed food and live music.
December Newsletter Online
The December issue of the CITRIS Newletter is now online! This issue looks at the future of wireless sensor networks as well as a new center dedicated to making our cyber-infrastructure more secure and trustworthy.
Malaria treatments and e-noses win top prizes at Technology Breakthrough Competition
Innovative research on yeast with vastly improved capacity for isoprenoid production was the top winner in the Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology’s 2005 Technology Breakthrough Competition. The runner-up prize went to scientists creating technology to make electronic noses affordable for commercial use.
Citris Efforts for Katrina Relief and Infrastructure Rebuilding
On September 8 CITRIS held a Town Hall meeting to discuss strategies for the re-invigoration and rebuilding of the infrastructures devastated by hurricane Katrina. To this effect a new web site has been launched to coordinate the CITRIS Investigations of Hurricane Katrina.
Watch Video of Town Hall Meeting
New CITRIS-affiliated Center is Launched
College of Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley,
recently announced the launch of the Center for Entrepreneurship and
Technology (CET), a new academic program and industry partnership that
will educate the next generation of technical leaders on
entrepreneurship in a changing, global economy.
ASME Nano: Conference 2005
Floyd Kvamme, co-Chairman of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), spoke at the ASME Nano: Conference 2005, which was held at the Berkeley College of Engineering in Sibley Auditorium on Sept 14-16. The conference focused on state-of-the art Devices and Systems, Nanoscale Phenomena, and Nanomanufacturing. Read more >>
Connections III
"Connections III"
a meeting on Health Information and Communication Technology (HICT)
took place on August 11 in Berkeley. This was the third in a series of
workshops sponsored jointly by research groups in Denmark (the Alexandra Institute, Aarhus), Finland (Tampere University of Technology, Tampere), and the USA (Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Center for Health Care Research, Berkeley) to develop innovative new technologies.