Cognitive Computing 2007
May 2-3, 2007
The Auditorium of the Berkeley Art Museum
University of California, Berkeley
CITRIS and NERSC Sponsored Research
Event Program
- Welcome
- Gary Baldwin, CITRIS Executive Director
- Opening Remarks and Activities within NERSC
- Horst Simon, NERSC Director and Associate Laboratory Director (ALD) for Computing Sciences
- Welcome
- Masoud Nikravesh, UC Berkeley, Cognitive Computing Chair
- Industry-University Cooperative Research Program (IUCRP)
- Mona Y. Lee, UC Discovery Grant
- Towards Engineering the Mind by Reverse Engineering the Brain
- Dharmendra S. Modha, IBM Almaden Research Center
- Towards an Understanding of Cortical Function: Problems and Solutions
- Ed Callaway, Salk Institute
- From Cognitive Neuroscience to Computing Architectures
- Michael Arbib, USC
- SPECIAL LECTURE: The Brain might Optimize Visual Acuity using Cortical Noise via Stochastic Resonance/Sampling
- Nobelist Donald Glaser, UC Berkeley
- Bridging the Gap between Cortical Structure and Cortical Function
- Almut Schüz, Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics
- The Ersatz Brain Project
- James Anderson, Brown University
- Opening Remarks and Activities within CITRIS
- Shankar Sastry, CITRIS Director
- Understanding Speech
- Robert Hecht-Nielsen, UC San Diego
- Intelligence for the Humanoid Robot ASIMO: A Synthetic Approach to Understanding Principles of Processing in the Brain
- Edgar Koerner, President, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH
- The Human Visual Pathways: Maps, Plasticity, and Reading
- Brian A. Wandell, Stanford
- Principles of Cognition as Adaptations to the World
- Roger Shepard, Professor Emeritus, Stanford
- Panel: VC’s, Entrepreneurs, and Innovators: The Future of Cognitive Computing
- Moderator: Jerome Swartz, The Swartz Foundation for Computational Neuroscience
- Tony Bell, Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, UC Berkeley
- Jose M. Carmena, EECS and Cognitive Sciences, UC Berkeley
- Dileep George, Numenta
- Steve Jurvetson, Managing Director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson
- Paul Rhodes, Stanford & Evolved Machines, Inc.
- Lloyd Watts, Audience, Inc.
- Masoud Nikravesh, UC Berkeley, Closing Remarks