The Future of Search
May 4, 2007
The Auditorium of the Berkeley Art Museum
University of California, Berkeley
CITRIS-NERSC Sponsored Research Event
Masoud Nikravesh, UC Berkeley and LBNL
Shankar Sastry, CITRIS Director
Panel- NLP
Horst Simon, Associate Laboratory Director (ALD) for Computing Sciences and NERSC Director
Andrei Broder (Yahoo)
Peter Norvig (Google)
Barney Pell (Powerset)
Babak Hodjat (Ianywhere)
Stuart Russell (UCB)
Lotfi A. Zadeh (UCB)
Oren Etzioni (U Washington)
Panel: Communities and Search
Marti Hearst (UCB)
Eric Brill (Microsoft)
Andrew Tompkins (Yahoo)
Ken Goldberg (UCB)
Matt Hurst (Microsoft)
Jean Paul Jacob (IBM)
Neel Sundaresan (eBay)
Deirdre Mulligan (UCB)
Panel: Multi-Media
Niall O’Driscoll (Alexa-Amazon)
Doug Cutting (Yahoo)
Avideh Zakhor (UCB)
Shawn Newsam (UCM)
Ruzena Bajcsy (UCB)
Mary Hodder (Dabble)
Adam Beguelin (Truveo and AOL)
Closing Remarks
Masoud Nikravesh, UC Berkeley and LBNL