The Spring 2012 Research Exchange Seminar Series
UC Davis
Spring 2012 i4Energy Seminar Series
The Spring 2012 i4Energy Seminar Series
Catching Supernova in the Act
Data-enabled science allowed detection of Type Ia supernova hours after explosion.
Lecture series on YouTube
Our recent seminar series can be found as playlists.
Call for Proposals – CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference 2012 at UC Davis
This conference will highlight cutting-edge case studies as well as research, curriculum development, and community partnerships.
CITRIS Health Care Initiative Employs IT to Tame Costs and Boost Access
Many of California’s residents are tragically underserved.
UC system generates $46.3B in economic activity for state
The University of California is a key economic catalyst for the state, generating $46.3 billion in annual economic activity for California.
Nina Amenta is the new Director at UC Davis
She will help guide the CITRIS Initiatives and enhance collaboration between the UC Davis researchers and the other three CITRIS campuses.
Student competition at CITRIS: $45K in prizes
Our annual student competition for student-led proposals.
Jay Han has been named CITRIS Medical Director
Dr. Han is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the UC Davis School of Medicine.
UCSC-Cisco partnership in Network Management and Operations expands to UC Davis
The goal of the NMO Lab is to engage students and faculty by addressing real-world problems in complex networks, and in a variety of topics that include quality of service, customer support, intelligent and automated management of network devices.
Fall 2011 i4Energy Seminar Series
The Fall series will begin in September.
CITRIS Research Exchange schedule for Fall 2011
The fall Research Exchange schedule is now online
Nesbitt named director of CITRIS Initiative: Delivering ‘Quality Healthcare Everywhere’ for Californians
The mission of this initiative is to improve access and reduce disparities in health care.
Announcing our new initiatives – CITRIS newsletter for June 2011
CITRIS’s ‘Big Bets’ emerge out of our strategic planning work and address problems that are of significant importance. They each address a fundamental requirement for human life: Health, Sustainability and Energy.
David Culler appointed Faculty Director of i4Energy
The mission of i4Energy to facilitate and promote research on system-integrated enabling technologies that will achieve better energy efficiency, improved demand / response, and dramatic improvements in energy distribution.
Congratulations to this year’s Big Ideas winners
This year, CITRIS awarded five student-led proposals a total of $45,000 in prize money at the April 14 poster session for our annual White Paper competition
Detecting Gas Molecules with Low-Voltage Ionization
A new approach could allow for more affordable, efficient, and portable gas-detecting devices that could revolutionize industry.
Letter from the Director for April/May
The world is full of valuable information that, if known, would save money, lives, and numerous resources. The trusses supporting our bridges contain information about when the aging structures will become dangerous to cross.
Fruitful partnership between CITRIS and Innovation Center Denmark
New partnership between CITRIS and Innovation Center Denmark involves joint conferences and workshops as well as Visiting Scholarships
NSF’s Edward Seidel discussed Global Cyberinfrastructure on March 17
Modern science is undergoing a profound transformation as it aims to tackle the complex problems of the 21st Century.
CITRIS Events Calendar……..
Letter from the Director, Feb. 2011
For the last decade, we at CITRIS have focused our efforts there, developing intelligent technologies that help measure, track, and manage water, energy, and other key resources in innovative ways that benefit the economy, the environment, and our quality of life.
Jeopardy! viewing party at CITRIS a big hit
Hundreds of CITRIS researchers and students gathered at Sutardja Dai Hall on Feb. 16 to watch the game’s finale starring Watson.