Student competition at CITRIS: $45K in prizes

CITRIS is proud to announce the seventh annual CITRIS White Paper competition as part of Rudd Family Foundation Big Ideas@Berkeley. This year, we will give away $45K in cash prizes for the best ideas that demonstrate the ability of IT to address a major societal challenge. The IT for Society contest is open to students from all four CITRIS campuses: UC Berkeley, UC Merced, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Davis. UC Davis students can apply to Global Poverty Alleviation, Energy Efficient Technologies, Information Technology for Society, or Scaling Up Big Ideas (for past winners).

Key Dates:
Nov 21, 2011  Pre-Proposal Entry Deadline 
Mar 5, 2012  Full Proposal Entry Deadline 
Apr 12, 2012  Grand Prize Pitch Day 
May 1, 2012  Announcement of Awards

Watch the proposal writing workshops:

Information Technology for Society Competition
The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) is interested in stimulating new thinking on a broad range of social benefits of information technology in areas such as: energy and the environment, health, education and life-long learning, democratic governance, response to natural and man-made disasters, transportation, delivery of government services, quality of life for people with disabilities, economic opportunity for low-income communities, arts and culture, and the effectiveness of non-profit organizations. Describe a multidisciplinary research project that would demonstrate the capacity of IT to help address a major societal challenge.

CITRIS conducts research on problems that have a major impact on our economy and quality of life: conserving energy; education; saving lives, property, and productivity in the wake of disasters; boosting transportation efficiency; advancing diagnosis and treatment of disease; and expanding business growth through much richer personalized information services. More than 100 faculty members in engineering, science, social science, law, information management, health care, and other disciplines at four UC campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Santa Cruz, Merced) are collaborating with researchers at more than 60 supporting companies on CITRIS research.

Many of our most exciting research projects involve collaborations between technologists; experts in a particular applications domain such as health, transportation, design of energy-efficient buildings; and researchers who are interested in the ethical, legal and societal implications of information technology.

Competition Rules
At least one member of the team must be an undergraduate or graduate student from one of the four CITRIS campuses: UC Berkeley, Davis, Santa Cruz or Merced. Multidisciplinary teams are strongly encouraged.

For additional information about general contest rules, timing and how to apply, please refer to the Contest Application Guidelines
Prizes will be awarded only if there are high-quality submissions and are expected to be used to support the proposed activities (e.g., research, travel, workshops, project expenses). Decisions of the judges are final and not subject to appeal