This year, CITRIS awarded five student-led proposals a total of $45,000 in prize money at the April 14 poster session for our annual White Paper competition. The judges had a very difficult time determining these winners, as all of the proposals that we received were outstanding, and everyone who entered should be congratulated for their hard work and insightful ideas about complex societal problems. Congratulations to this year’s winners of the CITRIS Big Ideas competition! More about the individual projects.
• First place: From Crop to Cup, from Ariel Chait, Iris Shim, and Seth Garz at UC Berkeley (shown above with judge and CITRIS Director@Merced Jeff Wright)
• Co-second place: Crime Fighter: Mobile App That Prevents Crime, from Max Dama, Han Jing, and Nanxi Liu at UC Berkeley
• Co-second place: Data in the First Mile: The Case for Shreddr and paper-based data collection, from Kuang Chen, Akshay Kannan and Andrea Spillmann at UC Berkeley
• Co-third place: MobileWorks: Mobile Phone-based Employment for the Developing World, from Anand Kulkarni, Philipp Gutheim, Prayag Narula and David Rolnitzky at UC Berkeley
• Co-third place: Dynamic GIS mapping of hepatitis B infection and immunization in the Bay Area, from Flora Chang, Adele Feng, David Hui, and Melanie Silvis at UC Berkeley
Photos from the event: