A new Haas School of Business program, called Cleantech to Market (C2M), is partnering with CITRIS to help select suitable projects and bring them to market.
The Power of Cory Hall: i4Energy’s Testbed for the Future
Ten months ago, i4Energy received a grant from the CEC to rig Berkeley's Cory Hall with sensors. The project installed a network of
monitoring equipment to track the flow and use of electricity.
Green Technology Entrepreneurship Academy, Lake Tahoe
Moving Sustainable Technologies Out of the Lab and into the World
Job Opportunity: Associate Director of Development
CITRIS is hiring for the position Associate Director of Development, Corporate & Foundation Relations.
CITRIS Chief Scientist Thomas Nesbitt Receives Leadership Award
Thomas Nesbitt, CITRIS Chief Scientist and associate vice chancellor for strategic technologies and alliances for UC Davis Health System, has received the 2010 Leadership Award for the Advancement of Telemedicine from the American Telemedicine Association.
Teaching a Computer to Win Human Friends and Influence People
UCSC scientist Marilyn Walker has been looking hard at how humans express themselves, not just at what they say–but also at how they say it–in an effort to develop algorithms that will enable computer animations to employ those same techniques to express themselves more richly and compellingly.
Online Constellation of Opinions
Opinion Space, launched on the Department of State’s main website on March 15, is an analysis and visualization tool that employs dimensionality reduction algorithms to depict thousands of opinions on several issues in one simple, two-dimensional animated illustration.
Research Exchange: Real-time Monitoring of Managed Aquifer Recharge
California is highly dependent on groundwater to satisfy fresh water demands, but supplies are increasingly stressed and groundwater in many basins is overdrafted, leading to resource degradation and loss of storage. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is strategy by which excess surface water is infiltrated into the ground in natural or engineered structures, often as part of a broader effort to conjunctively manage and enhance linked surface water and groundwater resources.
Intelligent Design and Implementation of Nuclear Power for Carbon Free Energy– The Westinghouse AP1000
There has been some debate regarding whether we are currently experiencing a nuclear energy renaissance. There are currently 10 contracts to build the Westinghouse AP1000: 4 in China and 6 in the US.
i4Energy Seminar: Printed Energy Storage Devices for Micro-power Supplies
As electronic devices become smaller in volume and more specialized in functionality, a paradigm shift in energy storage design and manufacture is beginning to emerge and can be realized with the development of simple, low-cost, solutions-based processing methods to incorporate custom energy buffers directly onto a device.
Research Exchange: Affective Language in Social Technologies
Marilyn Walker’s research focuses on natural language processing, computer games, and the human-computer interaction.
Energy Management for the Pervasive Technology that Changes the World
One of the most pervasive technologies in the world –especially for the developing communities– comes in the form of mobile communication devices and associated services.
Structural Health Monitoring: Research, Applications, and Integration with Renewable Energy Technologies
Structural health monitoring (SHM) for large scale bridges has been practiced over 10 years in Hong Kong, The SHM system for the new Stonecutters Bridge incorporates 1,505 sensors.
i4Energy Seminar: Legal implications of Climate Modeling
This presentation discusses the uses and limitations of these models for courts and agencies. Climate scientists have created a unique institutional system for assessing and improving models, going well beyond the usual system of peer review. Consequently, their conclusions should be entitled to considerable credence by courts and agencies.
CITRIS Big Ideas winners for 2010
This year, CITRIS awarded seven student-led proposals a total of $30,000 in prize money at the April 22 poster session for our annual White Paper competition.
Big Ideas finalists to present posters
The finalists in this year’s Big Ideas competition will present posters, and the winners are announced.
Research Exchange: Advancing Health Through Technology: The Vision of the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis
A nurse leader, educator and scientist and a nationally-recognized expert in gerontological nursing and rural health care, Heather M. Young was appointed Associate Vice Chancellor for Nursing at UC Davis Health System in 2008. She also serves as the founding Dean of the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis.
i4Energy Seminar: The Challenges of Solar Forecasting: Reducing the Cost of Solar Power Through Research
The Solar Forecasting Laboratory at the University of California Merced has collected over 15 months of high quality horizontal and direct normal irradiance measurements at different wavelengths (UV, IR and visible) with the primary objective of developing, calibrating and benchmarking novel and more accurate forecasting models for solar irradiance at the ground level. Without effective forecasting methodologies, neither solar nor wind power plants cannot be effectively connected to the power grid, which presents a major obstacle for high-penetration utilization of intermittent sources.
Research Exchange: Secure, Insure, or Ignore? Economics of Information Security
Are we investing too little in information security? Are we investing too much? Since Anderson and Varian posed these questions in 2002, much progress has been made in understanding rational decision-making in information security.
i4Energy Seminar: Simulating California’s High Renewables Future
California ISO operates much of the California power grid. The ISO works with federal regulators, State agencies and market participants to conduct grid planning, improve system operations, and adapt wholesale markets for energy and ancillary services in anticipation of achieving a 20% renewable portfolio standard (by about 2013) and then a 33% renewable portfolio standard by 2020.
Research Exchange: Molecule Counting Technology for Personalized Healthcare
Knowledge is power. Knowing of the quantities of specific molecules present in a biological system is fundamental to understanding systems level operation. This understanding is critical for translating basic knowledge of specific molecules into applied medical, agriculture, forensic, and drug development assays, and has created a need for methods that more accurately quantify an ever-increasing number of newly identified analytes with greater precision.
CITRIS newsletter about Marvell Lab
The April newsletter is online and focuses on the happenings of the Marvell Nanolab.
i4Energy Seminar: Legal issues in Energy Policies and Climate Change
Although the Smart Grid promises to help meet goals of energy efficiency and renewability, incorporating IT into the electric grid poses new and substantial risks to individual privacy. At the same time, Smart Grid deployment is proceeding along a path that could make it difficult for individuals to control the flow of information about their energy use while also raising barriers in the market for in-home smart devices.
Research Exchange: Abstracting Traditional Roles in Scientific Discovery and Inference: Application to Real-Time Astronomy
The collection of new data in any discipline does not, in general, lead to the creation of new knowledge. As a stream of data transforms to a deluge, the human role in scientific discovery, traditionally so important, must be partially fulfilled by powerful algorithms.