CITRIS Research Exchange – Fall 2018

…a Research Exchange talk or series? Contact us by clicking Sponsor an event Live webcasting of each CITRIS Research Exchange seminar is available on YouTube. Watch Video Archive of Past Talks on YouTube…

Steven Glaser

Research Associate, Intel Berkeley Laboratory, October 2001 – present. Assistant Professor, Engineering Division, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO. Professor of Nondestructive Evaluation, January 1994 – December 1996. Research Geotechnical…

Simon J. Atkinson

Simon Atkinson serves as vice chancellor for research at the University of California, Davis, where he oversees the Office of Research. Atkinson previously served as vice chancellor for research at…

Bloody Small Microscope on a Phone

…sites in Africa. Microsoft Research has provided financial support, too. The device promises not only to improve the lives of patients in the developed world, like Lam’s, but could also…

CITRIS IBM Day 2007: Biographies

…Ambrosio is a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center, and is IBM’s Global Research Energy & Utilities Industry Leader and is a member of the U.S….

October 2010 Newsletter

…deliver it for less money. Immersed in Their Work, Together – Whether they are building proteins, conducting archaeological research, or exploring deep-earth geology, the Institute for Data Analysis and Visualization (IDAV)…

BERC Fall Gala

…past acquaintances, meet new friends, and celebrate the best and brightest in the burgeoning energy and resources field with the presentation of the first annual BERC Leadership Award. The ticket…

Proximity-Based Monitoring of Electric Circuits, Sep 28

…uses spatially-distributed magnetic and electric field sensors to record the magnetic and electric field emanating from the electric circuit that is being monitored. This data, together with often limited information…

Diagnosing TB with the CellScope

CITRIS researchers have pioneered a new technique that allows clinicians to diagnosis tuberculosis using the cell phone microscope (CellScope). UC Berkeley engineering professors Daniel Fletcher and Jitendra Malik, along with…