Talk Title: “Unraveling the Computing Bottleneck for Autonomy”
Speaker: Ricardo Sanfelice, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Santa Cruz
Abstract: Tremendous progress has been made in computing systems recently, providing us with a unique opportunity to leverage information about the computing architecture and hardware in real time. Much of our technological solutions — such as those enabling autonomous operations — demand fast and accurate computation. This talk focuses on the challenges, solutions and opportunities for the development of autonomous systems, particularly those required for self-driving cars and aviation systems.
Speaker Bio: Ricardo G. Sanfelice is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 2004 and 2007 from UC Santa Barbara. Sanfelice is the recipient of the 2013 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Control and Systems Theory Prize, a National Science Foundation CAREER award, an Air Force Young Investigator Research Award, the 2010 IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award, the 2012 STAR Higher Education Award, and the 2020 Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) conference Test-of-Time Award. He is an associate editor for Automatica and a fellow of the IEEE. He also serves as director of the UC Santa Cruz Cyber-Physical Systems Research Center and the CITRIS Aviation initiative. His research interests are in modeling, stability, robust control, observer design, and simulation of nonlinear and hybrid systems with applications to robotics, power systems, aerospace and biology.
About the Series: CITRIS Research Exchange delivers fresh perspectives on information technology and society from distinguished academic, industry and civic leaders. Free and open to the public, these seminars feature leading voices on societal-scale research issues. Presentations take place on Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. PT. Have an idea for a great talk? Please feel free to suggest potential speakers for our series.
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