Cormac Flanagan received the B.S. degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from University College Dublin, Ireland in 1990; and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Rice University, in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), and serves as the Director of Graduate Studies for the Computer
Science Department. Prior to joining UCSC in 2003, he was a Principal Research Scientist at Hewlett Packard Corporation, at Compaq Computer Corporation, and at Digital Equipment Corporation.
Researchers at CITRIS
A. Russell Flegal
My research is on the natural biogeochemical cycles of trace elements in the environment and the perturbation of those cycles by anthropogenic processes. Many of my studies investigate aquatic toxicology in fresh water and estuarine and marine ecosystems. Others address the toxicology of trace elements in ecosystems and humans.
Lee Fleming
Lee Fleming joined the IEOR Department at UC Berkeley in Fall 2011 and is the Faculty Director of the Coleman Fung Institute of Engineering Leadership. He teaches the engineering leadership and capstone integration courses within the Masters of Engineering curriculum. His research investigates how managers can increase their organization’s chances of inventing a breakthrough, through types of collaboration, the integration of scientific and empirical search strategies, and the recombination of diverse technologies. His recent work has disambiguated the U.S.
Professor Daniel Fletcher
Dr. Dan Fletcher is an associate professor in the bioengineering department and biophysics program at the University of California, Berkeley, where his research focuses on the biophysics of cell movements and the cytoskeleton and development of biomedical devices. Recent work from his laboratory includes direct measurement of the actin networks that drive crawling motility, development of vesicle encapsulation technology for cellular reconstitution, and demonstration of fluorescence microscopy on a mobile phone.
Graham E. Fogg
Graham E. Fogg received a B.S. in Hydrology from the University of New Hampshire, an M.S. in Hydrology and Water Resources from the University of Arizona, and a Ph.D. in Geology from The University of Texas at Austin. For about 33 years he has been researching and teaching about subsurface water flow and pollutant transport processes and water resources sustainability.
Professor Michael Franklin
I am a Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley, specializing in large-scale data management infrastructure and applications. My research interests are primarily in the Database (DB) and Operating Systems and Networking Technology (OSNT) areas. I am a director of the Algorithms, Machines and People Lab (AMPLab) – an industry-supported collaboration of students, postdocs, and faculty who specialize in data management, cloud computing, statistical machine learning and other important topics necessary for making sense of vast amounts of heterogeneous and unruly data.
Jean Frechet
Jean Fréchet was born in France and received his first university degree at the Institut de Chimie et Physique Industrielles (now CPE) in Lyon, France, before coming to the US for graduate studies in organic and polymer chemistry at the State University of New York, College of Forestry, and at Syracuse University. He joined the Chemistry Faculty at the University of Ottawa in Canada in 1973 and remained there until 1987 when he became IBM Professor of Polymer Chemistry at Cornell University. In 1995 he was named to the Peter J. Debye Chair of Chemistry at Cornell University.
Michael Frenklach
Research Interests:
Chemical kinetics; Computer modeling; Combustion chemistry; Pollutant formation (NOx, soot); Shock tube; Chemical vapor deposition of diamond films; Homogeneous nucleation of silicon, silicon carbide, and diamond powders; Interstellar dust formation.
Gerald Friedland
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
Lee Friedman
Lee Friedman is an economist interested in expanding the usefulness of applied microeconomics to the analysis of policy. His substantive policy research areas include criminal justice, public employment, energy, and school finance. His work analyzes how information affects the rationality of individual, organizational, and policy choices. His professional activities include evaluation of an experimental public employment program (for Vera Institute of Justice), school finance alternatives (for the U.S.
Robert Full
Professor of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
Inez Fung
We study the interactions between climate change and biogeochemical cycles, and focus on the processes that maintain and alter the composition of the atmosphere, and hence the climate.
Ashok Gadgil
Dr. Ashok Gadgil has a doctorate in physics from UC Berkeley, and is a Faculty Senior Scientist, and Director in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and a Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley. He has substantial experience in technical, economic, and policy research on energy efficiency and its implementation — particularly in developing countries.
Pascale Garaud
Pascale Garaud completed her PhD in Astrophysics at the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2001. She then became a fellow […]
Dan Garcia
Dan Garcia is a Teaching Professor (aka Senior Lecturer with Security Of Employment) in the Computer Science Division of the EECS Department at the University of California, Berkeley, and joined the faculty in the fall of 2000. Dan received his PhD and MS in Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 2000 and 1995, and dual BS degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from MIT in 1990. He was chosen as an ACM Distinguished Educator in 2012.
J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves
CITRIS UC Santa Cruz Director Emeritus
Soheil Ghiasi
Soheil Ghiasi received his PhD in Computer Science from UCLA in 2004 and received the Harry M. Showman prize from the UCLA College of Engineering in the same year. He has been on the faculty at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis since 2004, where he directs Laboratory for Embedded and Programmable Systems (LEPS).
Steven Glaser
Professor Steven Glaser has been a member of the faculty at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Berkeley since 1996, a faculty scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since 1997, and a research associate at the Intel Laboratory at Berkeley since 2002. He previously served as the Faculty Director for the CITRIS Intelligent Infrastructure Initiative.
Ronald David Glass
Ron Glass is an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education at UC Santa Cruz, and PI/Director of the U.C. Center for Collaborative Research for an Equitable California (CCREC), a multi-campus research program initiative. CCREC approaches the state’s crises in the economy, education, employment, environment, health, housing, and nutrition as inextricably linked and as requiring innovative relationships among researchers, community organizations, and policy makers to understand and respond to them.
Ken Goldberg
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, UC Berkeley
Javier González-Rocha
Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz
Professor Sanjay Govindjee
Sanjay Govindjee received his S.B. in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1986, his M.S. from Stanford University in Mechanical Engineering in 1987, and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Physics from Stanford University in 1991. From 1991-1993 he worked at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as an engineering analyst in the Applied Mechanics Group. From 2006-2008, he was Professor of Mechanics at ETH Zurich and from 2008-present he is a Guest Professor of Mechanics at ETH Zurich.
Sanjay Govindjee
Sanjay Govindjee is a Professor of Civil Engineering and the Horace, Dorothy, and Katherine Johnson Endowed Professor at the University of California, Berkeley (1993-2006, 2008-present) […]
Jennifer Granholm
Jennifer Granholm is a former senior research fellow at CITRIS. During her time at CITRIS, she focused on the development of clean energy policy and technology […]
Gary Griggs
Gary Griggs’s research is focused on the coastal zone and ranges from coastal evolution and development, through shoreline processes, coastal engineering and coastal hazards. California has 1100 miles of coastline, 950 miles of which is eroding, and 32 million people who want to enjoy or live next to this geologically active zone. The tectonically active California coastline presents a range of interesting processes and problems within a few minutes or miles of campus.
Grace Gu
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley