Director, UC Water; Professor of Engineering, UC Merced
Researchers at CITRIS
Steve Conolly
Steve Conolly is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at UC Berkeley.
Emily Cooper
Assistant Professor of Optometry and Vision Science
University of California, Berkeley
Peter Crabtree
Visiting Project Scientist, California Institute for Energy and Environment and CITRIS Climate, and Principal Investigator, Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center
Camille Crittenden
CITRIS Executive Director
James Crutchfield
James Crutchfield is a Professor of Physics at the University of California, Davis.
Jorge Cuadros
Research Activities Starting in 1994, developed several programs for remote clinical diagnosis and distance learning, including programs in China, India, and Latin America. EyePACS was […]
David Culler
Professor David Culler is former Faculty Director of the CITRIS Sustainable Infrastructures Initiative. His research addresses networks of small, embedded wireless devices, planetary-scale internet services, parallel computer architecture, parallel programming languages, and high performance communication. This includes TinyOS, Berkeley Motes, PlanetLab, Networks of Workstations (NOW), Internet services, Active Messages, Split-C, and the Threaded Abstract Machine (TAM).
Paolo D’Odorico
Professor of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, UC Berkeley
Raissa D’Souza
Raissa D’Souza is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and of Computer Science at the University of California, Davis, as well as an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute.
Trevor Darrell
Trevor Darrell is head of the new Computer Vision Group at the International Computer Science Institute, and is on the faculty of the CS Division at UC Berkeley.
Nicolas Davidenko
My research focuses on the cognitive, visual, and neural representations of objects and faces. I am particularly interested in how parametric characterizations of a stimulus space can inform our theories of representation.
Lilian Davila
Assistant Professional Researcher, UC Merced
James Davis
James Davis is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Professor Luca de Alfaro
Dr. Luca de Alfaro works in the areas of Reputation systems, collaboration on the web and beyond, e-commerce, Embedded software design, formal methods for system design, Discrete, real-time, embedded, probabilistic systems Game theory, concurrency theory, and automata theory.
Ricardo de Castro
Assistant Professor, UC Merced
Nicholas De Monchaux
Nicholas de Monchaux is an architect and urbanist focused on issues of nature, technology, and the city. He received his B.A. in 1995, with distinction in Architecture, from Yale University, and his Professional Degree (M.Arch.) from Princeton University in 1999. He has worked as a designer in noted architectural practices, including Michael Hopkins & Partners in London, and, until 2001, Diller + Scofidio in New York. From 2001-2006 he was Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Virginia.
Gregory Deierlein
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Director, John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center (2002 – Present) Stanford University Deierlein’s research focuses on improving limit states design […]
Jean-Pierre Delplanque
His research efforts center on the multiscale modeling and numerical simulation of complex processes and systems. Applications are interdisciplinary in nature, crossing the boundaries between Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Materials Science. Examples of specific projects range from the strain-assisted microstructural development of polycrystalline materials to the dynamics and condensation of exhaled aerosols.
Robin Maria DeLugan
As a sociocultural anthropologist, Professor Robin DeLugan has long studied the factors that shape national cultural and identity. She is conducting a 10-year study, in […]
Steven DeMello
Steven DeMello has over 30 years of experience in research, hospital operations, strategic planning, systems management and consulting. Steve is former Director of the CITRIS Health Care Initiative and is currently a Special Advisor and Visiting Scholar at CITRIS.
James Demmel
Kames Demmel was the CITRIS Chief Scientist at its inception and worked to create an atmosphere of collaboration and communication that fostered an interdisciplinary approach to information technology research.
Dr. Demmel received his BS in Mathematics from Caltech in 1975 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 1983. After spending six years on the faculty of the Courant Institute, New York University, he joined the Computer Science Division and Mathematics Department at Berkeley in 1990, where he holds a joint appointment.
Subhas Desa
Subhas Desa is the Undergraduate Director of the Information Systems and Technology Management Program in the School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. Dr. Desa has extensive research, teaching, consulting, and industrial experience in the development, management, and commercialization of technologies and products. His research areas include product design and development, manufacturing, advanced physical modeling and control, robotics, and, more recently, supply-chain modeling and control.
Premkumar Devanbu
Prem Devanbu started off in Industrial software development, first at Perkin-Elmer; then at Bell Labs, first in software development and then in research, at Murray Hill, NJ; with the big travestyture, Devanbu went to AT&T Labs Research in Florham Park. Devanbu have been at UC Davis since late 1997. His undergraduate education was at IIT, Madras in India; his doctoral work was done under Prof. Borgida at Rutgers University in the Garden State,which is a lovely place, actually; although the Golden State also has much to offer .
Holli DeVon
My area of interest is ischemic heart disease. The primary focus of my program of research has been the influence of gender and symptoms during […]
Madan Dharmar
Madan Dharmar is an associate professor in residence at the Betty Irene School of Nursing at UC Davis and the Department of Pediatrics at the UC Davis School of Medicine.