April ’06 Newsletter

…CITRIS), and leading Indian scientific organizations and universities, to a far deeper level in areas of science, technology, research and education. It will strengthen joint research and educational collaborations and…

Rebecca Hernandez

…and co-founder and co-director of the Wild Energy Initiative at the John Muir Institute of the Environment. Her research focuses on three related themes: 1) global environmental change, using drylands…

Heritage Via Games and Game Mods, Feb 12

…URL: http://press.etc.cmu.edu/content/game-mods Erik Champion is internationally renowned and respected in the field of the use of computer gaming in learning, research, and broader interest contexts of archaeology, history, and cultural…

CITRIS seeks new Director for i4Energy Center

…which manages a large, complex research program of high visibility. Develops vision and establishes agenda to achieve research objectives. Oversees all elements of program administration. Collaborates across multiple research groups…

TRUST Security Seminar, Feb 20

…provide an overview of my research’s group’s work in this area, outlining key algorithmic principles, research results, as well as a discussion of our deployed systems and lessons learned. Milind…

Making Clean Energy Real: C2M

…are building a community of researchers with a common agenda who can rely on one another in their research.” Individually, faculty can focus on their research, but collectively, and with…

CITRIS IBM Day 2007: Abstracts

…Director, Almaden Services Research, IBM Almaden Research Center Title: Who put the sensors in my product — oops, I mean our service system? Sensors are getting smaller, and they are…