Roberto Manduchi’s lab has developed two smartphone-based apps to help blind people navigate inside buildings.
CITRIS Seed Funding
CITRIS-supported caregiving project moves from simulation to pilot study
UC Davis neuropsychologist Alyssa Weakley developed the Interactive Care Platform to help older adults living alone access family support.
CITRIS researcher aims to electrify big machines
Off-road construction machinery presents new challenges in vehicle electrification, and Shima Nazari is working on ways to meet them.
Serious game helps Californians prep for wildfires
Tomales Resilience, a game that simulates a real-life wildfire evacuation, stems from a 2019 CITRIS Seed Award project led by Thomas Maiorana and Kenichi Soga.
Answering the call: Sri Kurniawan designs assistive tech to improve quality of life
Inspired by the accidents she witnessed in the oil fields, the UC Santa Cruz scholar of human-centered design works to serve vulnerable populations.
Picking up vibrations: Shijia Pan makes ambient surfaces smarter
The CITRIS PI and UC Merced professor combines vibration sensors with the Internet of Things to develop smart devices for health applications and more.
Seed Award project aims to help keep older adults independent ‘as long as possible’
UC Davis neuropsychologist Alyssa Weakley and a multicampus team have been developing new features for Interactive Care, or I-Care, a web-based platform for long-distance caregivers.
2023 Seed Award will explore safety of AI in air traffic control
Ayush Pandey seeks to design trustworthy AI models that can better respond to unpredictable scenarios in air traffic control.
6 multicampus, interdisciplinary projects selected for 2023 CITRIS Seed Awards
The winning projects will use IT to address challenges in aviation, climate resilience and sustainability, digital health, and semiconductors and systems.
Cultivating sustainable systems: Stavros Vougioukas embraces ag tech challenges
The CITRIS PI and UC Davis biological and agricultural engineer harnesses robotic and automated technology to optimize designs, systems and processes in agriculture and beyond.
CITRIS Seed Award is helping build a smarter microgrid
AI-optimized microgrids could provide communities with reliable electricity more quickly after a power outage.
CITRIS Seed Award project uses drones to detect wildfires
UC Davis’s Zhaodan Kong plans to speed up wildfire detection with his integrated UAV and sensor technology systems.
CITRIS Seed Funding offers up to $60K for multicampus research for public good
Principal investigators from UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Merced and UC Santa Cruz are invited to submit proposals for 2023 CITRIS Seed Awards.
CITRIS Seed Award sparks VR app for California parks
The new Virtual Adventurer app was inspired by the Bodie 3D Project, recipient of a 2016 CITRIS Seed Award.
‘Mission-driven’: Colleen Naughton integrates anthropology and engineering to advance ag tech and public health
The CITRIS PI and UC Merced professor and development engineer blends traditional research techniques with improvements in technology and analytical methods to design more sustainable food, energy and water systems.
Call for proposals: CITRIS Climate Action Acceleration Fund
Awards of up to $10,000 will support UC Berkeley projects related to sustainability and climate resilience that are ready to proceed to the next stage of commercialization.
Preparing for a warming world: CITRIS at the vanguard of climate tech research
By supporting interdisciplinary work and seeding multicampus projects, CITRIS helps to keep the University of California at the forefront of climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.
CITRIS-funded project helps assess post-wildfire fate of ecosystems
The project, led by led by UC Davis’s Gary Bucciarelli, will apply AI to help predict the impact that fire will have on a landscape.
CITRIS Seed Award project supports long-distance caregivers
Interactive Care, or I-Care, is working to make long-distance caregiving for older adults easier.
Evolution on fast forward: Grace Gu engineers AI-optimized, bioinspired materials
The CITRIS PI and UC Berkeley mechanical engineer takes inspiration from nature and uses machine learning to create more efficient materials.
CITRIS selects 8 multicampus projects for 2022 Seed Awards
The eight selected proposals, submitted by interdisciplinary teams from Berkeley, Davis, Merced and Santa Cruz, will receive up to $60,000 for their work, thanks in part to external philanthropic support.
CITRIS researchers to help Northern California communities reduce wildfire risk with dynamic modeling and serious games
With $2.5 million from the NSF, a multicampus UC team is partnering with a dozen Bay Area orgs to help residents respond to natural disasters more quickly.
CITRIS Seed Funding offers up to $60K for multicampus research for social good
Investigators from UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Davis Health, UC Merced and UC Santa Cruz are invited to submit proposals for 2022 CITRIS Seed Awards.
Naughton shares wastewater epidemiology expertise with Healthy CV Together, Nat Geo
The UC Merced engineer launched an international wastewater-monitoring dashboard in 2020 with CITRIS support.