Observation of Room Temperature Polar Skyrmions

…the recent discovery of polarization vortices and the associated complex-phase coexistence and response under applied field in superlattices of (PbTiO3)n/(SrTiO3)n suggests the presence of a complex, multi-dimensional system capable of……

Kurt D. Bettenhausen

Kurt D. Bettenhausen is Senior Vice President and the global Automation & Control Technology Field Leader of Siemens Corporate Technology. Before joining Corporate Technology, Dr. Bettenhausen headed up the Engineering…

Russell Hirsch

…key role in their investment activities in the biotechnology and medical device sectors. Before entering the venture capital field, Hirsch did biomedical research on hepatitis B viral replication at UC…

Jennifer Chayes

…joining Berkeley, she was a technical fellow at Microsoft, where she led research programs for over 20 years and was founder and managing director of three interdisciplinary labs: Microsoft Research