My research seeks to find solutions to water security for the continuous demand that populations are placing on a finite resource. The research searches for innovative solutions using developing technologies to improve the delivery of data for decision support systems. Collaboration across multiple disciplines (i.e. engineering, natural sciences, economics) is a requisite for the advancement of process level understanding.
Researchers at CITRIS
Professor Rhonda Righter
Rhonda Righter is a Professor and past Chair of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley. Before coming to Berkeley she taught at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. Her PhD is in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from UC Berkeley, her BS is in applied math and business from Carnegie Mellon. Her primary research and teaching interests are in the general area of stochastic modeling and optimization, especially as applied to service, manufacturing, telecommunications, and grid computing systems. She is an associate editor for the Journal of Scheduling. She formerly served on the editiorial boards of Management Science, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, and Queueing Systems. She is the past (founding) Chair of the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS.
James Robinson
Research Interests: Biotechnology policy and strategy Innovation and affordability for medical technology Cardiac and orthopedic devices Health insurance Physician and hospital payment methods Current Projects: […]
Stephen Robinson
Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Director of the Center for Spaceflight Research, UC Davis
David Rocke
David M. Rocke is a distinguished professor in biostatistics at UC Davis School of Medicine and the Department of Applied Science. He also was a former co-director of the Institute for Data Analysis and Visualization at UC Davis.
Caroline Rodier
Caroline has over fifteen years experience in transportation and environmental planning and policy analysis. As a senior researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Rodier has conducted evaluation research of numerous of intelligent transportation system field operational tests including advanced parking systems, shared-use low-speed modes, automated speed enforcement, and virtual compliance stations for commercial vehicles.
Abel Rodriguez
I am an Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where I develop statistical methods for complex problems in biology, sociology and finance. My research interests include Bayesian nonparametric methods, machine learning, spatial temporal models, network models and extreme value theory.
Hector Rodriguez
Research Interests:
Clarifying the care team and organizational factors that enable improvements in chronic illness care and patient self-management
Improving reliable physician profiling on patient experience measures
Understanding local health department organizational and financial influences on population health indicators
Wolfgang Rogge
Research interest: air pollution Sustainability and Healthy Environment are key for any future.
Barbara Romanowicz
Research Interests
Deep earth structure and dynamics using seismological tools: elastic and anelastic seismic tomography; waveform modelling of mantle and core phases; wave propagation in complex heterogeneous and anisotropic media; earth’s normal modes and surface waves. Earthquake processes and scaling laws. Real time estimation of earthquake parameters. Development of modern broadband seismic and geophysical observatories on land and in the oceans. Planetary seismology.
Stergios Roussos
Steve Roussos, Ph.D.,MPH leads operational and administrative functions for the new UC Merced Blum Center. Working closely with the executive team, he is establishing a clear understanding of the center’s role on and off campus, developing a sustainable plan for growth and expansion, building an enthusiastic network of academic and community partners and ensuring UC Merced’s team exceeds its goals and objectives.
Jeffrey Rowe
Dr. Rowe obtained his Ph.D. from UC Davis in 1996 in Particle Physics. Since joining the Computer Security Laboratory, he has developed several algorithms for responding to network attacks. He was leader of the team testing and maintaining the GrIDS system. He also led the team subcontracted to produce the IDIP Discovery Coordinator for the Boeing Automated Response to Intrusions project. Most recently, Dr. Rowe evaluated GrIDS under the DARPA sponsored Lincoln Lab IDS evaluation program.
Jaijeet Roychowdhury
Jaijeet Roychowdhury is a Professor of EECS at the University of California, Berkeley. He received a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, in 1987, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley in 1993.
Stuart Russell
Stuart Russell received his B.A. with first-class honours in physics from Oxford University in 1982 and his Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford in 1986. He then joined the faculty of the University of California at Berkeley, where he is Professor (and formerly Chair) of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and holder of the Smith-Zadeh Chair in Engineering. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Neurological Surgery at UC San Francisco and Vice-Chair of the World Economic Forum’s Council on AI and Robotics.
Florin Rusu
Florin is originally from the city of Cluj-Napoca in the historical region of Transylvania, Romania. He received a B.Eng. degree in 2004 from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science under the supervision of Sergiu Nedevschi. In 2005, he joined the graduate program in Computer Science at the University of Florida where he received a M.Sc. degree in 2008 and a Ph.D. degree in 2009. At UF, Florin worked on large scale data management problems under the supervision of Alin Dobra.
Kimiko Ryokai
Kimiko is an assistant professor at the School of Information and Center for New Media at UC Berkeley. Kimiko received her MS and PhD in Media Arts & Sciences from MIT in 1999 and 2005 respectively. At the MIT Media Lab, Kimiko was a member of the Tangible Media Group and the Gesture and Narrative Language Group, where she developed a number of tangible interactive systems to facilitate collaborative and creative learning.
Warren Sack
Warren Sack is a software designer and media theorist whose work explores theories and designs for online public space and public discussion.
Hamid Sadjadpour
Hamid Sadjadpour received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on communication theory from University of Southern California (USC) in 1996. During his Ph.D., he worked part-time at Lincom corporations between February 1994 and July 1995 as a member of technical staff. During this period, he worked on the design of communication systems for satellite applications. Since December 1995, he was with AT&T research Lab as a senior technical staff member. He was promoted to Principal technical staff member in 2000.
Mohammad Safeeq
Research Interests: Climate Change and Water Sustainability Climate Change and Hydrologic Extremes Watershed and Regional Scale Hydrologic Modeling Water Resources Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis Role […]
Professor Anant Sahai
Anant did his undergraduate work in EECS at UC Berkeley from 1990-1994. From 1994-2000 he was a graduate student at MIT studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6 in MIT-speak) and was based in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. In 2001 he was on the theoretical/algorithmic side of a team at the startup Enuvis, Inc. developing new adaptive software radio techniques for GPS in very low SNR environments (such as those encountered indoors in urban areas). He joined the Berkeley faculty in 2002.
Goloka Sahoo
Goloka’s interests include hydrodynamic, hydraulic and ecological modeling of environmental processes in lakes, reservoirs, and rivers. He uses multi-dimensional process-based numerical models to provide information for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) establishment and water budget planning. His hydrologic modeling incorporates artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, and distributed physical models. His work demonstrates the effect of climate change on aquatic systems, hypolimnetic oxygenation and mixing of stratified lakes and reservoirs.
Sayeef Salahuddin
TSMC Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
Professor Seth Sanders
Seth R. Sanders received the S.B. degrees in electrical engineering and physics and the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1981, 1985, and 1989, respectively.
Christian Sandrock
Clinical/Research Interests
Dr. Sandrock has clinical interests in respiratory infections, community-acquired and viral pneumonia, and ICU-acquired infections. His research interests include emerging infectious diseases at the animal and human interface, particularly respiratory infections such as avian influenza, SARS, and other diseases acquired by humans.
Ricardo Sanfelice
Director, CITRIS Aviation
Bruno Sanso
I am Professor of Statistics and Chair of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics of the University of California, Santa Cruz, where I have been part of the faculty since the Fall of 2001. During these years I have joined the effort of founding the department and starting its core programs. Before coming to Santa Cruz, I was a founding member of the Center for Statistics and Mathematical Software as well as of the Department of Scientific Computing and Statistics of Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela.