Professor Anant Sahai

Anant did his undergraduate work in EECS at UC Berkeley from 1990-1994. From 1994-2000 he was a graduate student at MIT studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6 in MIT-speak) and was based in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. In 2001 he was on the theoretical/algorithmic side of a team at the startup Enuvis, Inc. developing new adaptive software radio techniques for GPS in very low SNR environments (such as those encountered indoors in urban areas). He joined the Berkeley faculty in 2002.

He currently serves also as faculty adviser to UC Berkeley’s chapter of Eta Kappa Nu. He has previously served as the Treasurer for the IEEE Information Theory Society. (’07-’09 inclusive)

His research interests span information theory, decentralized control, machine learning, and wireless communication — with a particular interest at the intersections of these fields. Within wireless communication, he is particularly interested in Spectrum Sharing and Cognitive Radio as well as very-low-latency ultra-reliable wireless communication protocols for the Internet Of Things. Recently, he is very interested in machine learning for cooperation and wireless communication.