CSE and Parlab co-hosted a two-day “boot camp” on parallel computing on Aug 25-26. This free two-day short course targeted both developers and users of parallel computing on campus, at LBNL and among our outside collaborators.
UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab established a stronger presence in the field of CSE, primarily through enhanced support for collaborativeresearch projects and development of the Designated Emphasis in CSE for PhD students in the application disciplines.
Paul Wright, professor in the Mechanical Engineering
Department at the University of California at Berkeley and Acting CITRIS Director was recently honored with 2008 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Computers and Information in Engineering Division’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Graduate Council has established a Designated Emphasis in Computational Science and Engineering
[CSE] effective 7/1/08. The DE will be offered by an interdisciplinary
grad group and will educate doctoral students to effectively conduct
computationally intensive research across many fields of science and
A new multidisciplinary research and education theme has been added to CITRIS's research grid. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) provides a framework for enhanced support of collaborative research projects involving CSE researchers and students. The program will educate students to better perform and effectively execute computationally intensive research across many fields of science and engineering.
The CITRIS conference in June in Copenhagen focused on the
relationships among public policy, the role of business, and
technological means that could be used to fight global warming.
New materials under development by Ali Shakouri,
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of
California, Santa Cruz, stand to convert energy now wasted as heat into a reusable new source of