Accelerator-based computing and Manycore

Many-core and Accelerator-based Computing for Physics and Astronomy Applications

CITRIS / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA, USA
November 30 – December 2, 2009

NERSC, LBNL and CITRIS announce an
international conference on the role of emerging many-core
architectures in science and technology. The focus of the conference is
to introduce, explore and discuss the scope and challenges
of harnessing the full potential of these novel architectures for high
performance computing, especially in Physics and Astronomy.

Emerging many-core architectures offer unprecedented potential for energy
efficient high performance computing (HPC) in science and technology. This conference
strives to set the stage for academic and industry leaders to partner in research and innovation.

The group aims to achieve

·    A large footprint of international collaborations
·    Academia-industry partnerships with entrepreneurial opportunities
·    Educational and training prospects for future researchers, educators and students
·    A leadership role for participating institutions and facilities in the cutting-edge technologies

For more information and to receive invitation, please contact:
* Directions to Sutardja Dai Hall are at:
* Hotel information can be found at:

Parking on campus is limited, so we strongly urge you to take public
transport, including BART, to this meeting:


John Shalf

Hemant Shukla

Masoud Nikravesh
Horst Simon
James Siegrist
Rainer Spurzem
Katherine Yelick
Masoud Nikravesh