These top teams will build upon successful proposals to develop detailed designs for air transportation infrastructure that connects CITRIS’s four campuses.
The state’s leading advocate for quality senior living will partner on the CITRIS Health project to connect older people living in affordable housing with telehealth resources and digital literacy training.
“We are delighted to have Alex lead the team and bring his considerable experience to support CITRIS’s work,” said incumbent Director Costas J. Spanos.
The winning projects will use IT to address challenges in aviation, climate resilience and sustainability, digital health, and semiconductors and systems.
Erin Hestir, campus director of CITRIS at UC Merced, was among the international team of researchers studying South Africa’s Greater Cape Floristic Region.
In her new role, Hestir will help facilitate the development of research, industry and educational opportunities within UC Merced that align with CITRIS’s mission of using information technology to address society’s most critical challenges.
The CITRIS PI and UC Davis biological and agricultural engineer harnesses robotic and automated technology to optimize designs, systems and processes in agriculture and beyond.