A mobile app closes the communication gap between citizens and their representatives. Information technology holds great potential for giving politicians and civic leaders a more […]
The Examined Life of Room 464
State’s Power Challenges Demand a Response: Sutardja Dai Hall Automates One
Engineering Design that CARES
Assessment Group helps Pinoleville Pomo Nation Implement Sustainable Tech
Visualization Technologies: From Data Collection to Display
The May 26 conference focused on the need of industry to collect, transmit and analyze huge amounts of data and covers various aspects of video communications, including generating of data, communications, immersive multimedia displays and industry cases
Avatarizing the Past: an Archaeological Perspective
Archaeologists are currently immersed in a cybernetic cycle of digital information.
2010 CITRIS Holiday Gala – Photos
2010 CITRIS Holiday Gala
Information and Communications Technologies for Social Enterprise: Final Project Presentations
Come join us as students present their project ideas leveraging novel information and communication technologies to support social causes worldwide, while competing for $10,000 in prizes. Winners will be chosen by a distinguished panel of judges to receive seed funding to further advance their ideas.
i4Energy Seminar: Energy Management in the Coming Internet of Things
In this talk, Gene Wang and David Moss will discuss the Energy Internet ofThings and describe how Brains in the Cloud can connect with billions of sensor-based nerves and muscles in the physical world to go places the Internet never dreamed of.
Research Exchange: Terrain-relative-navigation of AUVs: From the Seafloor to Drifting Icebergs
One of the key challenges to enabling an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to explore an unknown environment is the ability to navigate. In the past, navigation was typically done using either an acoustic array or by dead-reckoning based on inertial instruments.
ATC Lecture: User-Generated Urbanism, Matthew Passmore
In recent years, the technocratic urban planning establishment has begun to recognize that small-scale, creative, temporary, tactical urban interventions are a powerful instrument for spatial research and experimentation. New collaborative strategies between artists, designers and city agencies have emerged, resulting in urban spaces that are iterative, modular, flexible and designed, in part and over time, by the people who use them.
TRUST Security Seminar: Do Static Permission Systems Work?
Several new application platforms use static permission systems to restrict access to system API resources. Two prominent examples are the Android OS application platform and the Google Chrome extension system. Developers request permissions for their applications, and the user decides during installation whether those permissions are acceptable.
Distinguished Lecture: Why the Future of Business is Sharing
Traditional businesses follow a simple formula: create a product or service, sell it, collect money. But in the last few years a fundamentally different model has taken root — one in which consumers have more choices, more tools, more information, and more peer-to-peer power. Pioneering entrepreneur Lisa Gansky calls it the Mesh and reveals why it will soon dominate the future of business.
Research Exchange: Designing Energy-Efficient Integrated Circuits and Systems
As traditional CMOS technology scaling has essentially ended, electronic systems can no longer simply increase functionality or performance without dissipating more power. In order to surmount this challenge and enable many emerging applications, integrated circuit designers must turn their attention to energy efficiency as their primary driver.
Semiconductor Nanowires for Solar Energy Conversion: Nano Seminar Series
Direct solar energy conversion to storable fuels offers a promising route toward less reliance on fossil fuels.
i4Energy Seminar: Energy Research and Commercialization at SRI
SRI International has been described as the birthplace of some of Silicon Valley’s most important innovations. With a corporate commitment to solving important problems, this talk will cover why SRI believes ensuring affordable, clean, and dependable energy supplies is one of the world’s important problems, highlight current energy projects, and describe SRI’s process for bringing its innovations to market.
BERC Fall Gala
The BERC Fall Gala is the signature fundraising event for Berkeley’s energy and resources community, bringing together industry and alumni with students and faculty to celebrate BERC’s fifth anniversary and to kick off the 2010-11 academic year.
TRUST Security Seminar: Secure Information Flow in Trust Networks
Who is responsible for the harm and risk of security flaws? The advent of worldwide networks such as the internet made software security (or the lack of software security) became a problem of international proportions. There are no mathematical/statistical risk models available today to assess networked systems with interdependent failures. Without this tool, decision-makers are bound to overinvest in activities that don’t generate the desired return on investment or under invest on mitigations, risking dreadful consequences. Experience suggests that no party is solely responsible for the harm and risk of software security flaws but a model of partial responsibility can only emerge once the duties and motivations of all parties are examine and understood. State of the art practices in software development won’t guarantee products free of flaws.
The Evolving Internet: Driving Forces, Uncertainties, and Four Scenarios to 2025
What will the Internet be like in 2025? How much bigger will it have grown from today’s 2 billion users and $3 trillion market? Will it have achieved its full potential to connect the world’s entire population in ways that advance global prosperity, business productivity, education and social interaction?
Cal Science and Engineering Festival: A community celebration of Science@Cal
Explore the wonders of science with FREE activities for the whole family at the Cal Science & Engineering Festival.
TRUST Security Seminar: Return-Oriented Programming: The Impact of the Gadget on Civilization
Return-oriented programming is an attack technique that induces arbitrary behavior in the compromised program without injecting new code into its address space. A return-oriented attack combines short sequences of instructions from a target program’s executable image into a Turing-complete set of combinators, called “gadgets,” from which any desired functionality can be synthesized.
Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Nations: A View from the Field
David Green is a MacArthur Fellow, an Ashoka Fellow and is recognized by Schwab Foundation as a leading social entrepreneur. He helped establish Aurolab (India), to produce affordable intraocular lenses (now has 8% of the global market share) and suture. He has also helped develop high-volume, quality eye care programs that are affordable to the poor and self-sustaining from user fees, including Aravind Eye Hospital in India, which performs 300,000 surgeries per year.
i4Energy Seminar: Self-powered wireless MEMS sensor modules for Smart Grid applications
In this talk, I will present our ongoing work towards developing self-powered MEMS sensor modules that can be installed in both residential and commercial settings, as well as in power distribution and transmission systems.
TRUST Security Seminar: Java Static Checker: A Tool for Locating Faults
Removing faults from programs is an important component for developing robust software, that is, software which does not break down easily. Robust software is a requirement for users who do not want to use problematic code.
Par Lab Seminar Series: Madan Musuvathi, Microsoft Research
Modern programming languages, such as Java and C++, provide weak or no semantics to programs with data races. This compromises the safety and debuggability for large programs, which are likely to have data races.