As biotech booms, so do bacteria

…percent of their current portfolio of companies are either in the health field or life sciences. The startups vary from therapeutics and medical devices to consumer health care, and one…

CITRIS Seed Funding 2014

…support CITRIS research initiatives, enhance cooperation among campuses, and facilitate early-stage research that can lead to external funding. Total Funds Available in 2014: $500,000 Project Awards in 2014: $10,000 to…

All the lab’s a stage

The performance of The Reception at CITRIS’s holiday party was more than just great entertainment; it was research. Find out how dancers and scientists are using tele-immersion to advance the…

Davis Powers Up its Energy Research

…is an attempt to integrate and focus the campus’ energy research into a single interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach program. Fifteen new faculty members specializing in energy are being recruited…

WordWalk, PokerWalk, & BingoWalk

…in three-person teams, represents a collaboration between researchers in the School of Public Health and the Social Apps Lab at UC Berkeley. A field study is currently underway to assess…

CITRIS Research Exchange – Spring 2014

Free and open to the public, the Research Exchange Seminar Series is a weekly roundtable of presentations and discussions that highlights ways to frame and tackle societal-scale research issues. Talks…

Director of Water & Adaptable Cities Program

…visibility. Develops vision and establishes agenda to achieve research objectives. Oversees all elements of program administration. Collaborates across multiple research groups. Provides leadership in identifying outreach services. With faculty formulates…

Michael Isaacson

…(for fundamental research in the development of near-field optical imaging). He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for his contributions to the field

Spring 2021 CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar Series Begins

…applying systems-thinking to sustainability and resilience challenges facing cities and infrastructure systems. Prior to joining UC Merced, he was an Assistant Research Professor at Arizona State University and a Research