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Electronic medical records aid newborns

National Institutes of
Health has provided $1.35 million to a team of researchers at UC Santa Cruz working to develop
new statistical approaches that could dramatically improve the care for
severely ill newborn babies.

CITRIS Newsletter Online

A new CITRIS Newsletter is now online. In this issue we feature an article on how CITRIS’s Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology (TRUST) is helping combat electronic identity theft. A second article focuses on how researchers are working on vastly increasing the speed of the internet.

The Future of Optical Networking

Imagine an Internet connection that's 10,000 times faster. A group of
CITRIS researchers are developing the technology that will make that
goal a reality.

Phishers Beware

With electronic identity theft on the rise, TRUST researchers are
fighting back with a growing arsenal of software and legal defenses.

CITRIS October 2006 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends of CITRIS,

of the great pleasures of working for CITRIS is the opportunity to see
the technologies that will profoundly …

Berkeley Nano Opportunity Challenge 2006

Berkeley Nano Opportunity Challenge 2006 brings together scientists, engineers, and business students to evaluate potential applications and commercial opportunities for ideas and innovations in Nanotechnology and related areas. Abstracts deadline: Oct. 27

New Multicampus Hazards California Institute

Preventing California’s many natural hazards from turning into natural disasters is the aim of the new California Hazards Institute, a multicampus research program of the University of California.

Studying Membranes at the Nanoscale

The composition of lipid membranes, similar to those that surround living cells, can now be mapped at the nanometer scale. The work, by researchers at Stanford University, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and UC Davis, is published in the Sept. 29 issue of the journal Science.