These top teams will build upon successful proposals to develop detailed designs for air transportation infrastructure that connects CITRIS’s four campuses.
“We are delighted to have Alex lead the team and bring his considerable experience to support CITRIS’s work,” said incumbent Director Costas J. Spanos.
The 2023 CITRIS Aviation Prize invites students to design air mobility infrastructure that could serve as a first step for campus-to-campus transportation at UC.
CITRIS researchers received support for a diverse array of pilot projects in a recent funding round from the UC Santa Cruz Center for Coastal Climate Resilience.
By supporting interdisciplinary work and seeding multicampus projects, CITRIS helps to keep the University of California at the forefront of climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.
CITRIS Aviation Director Ricardo Sanfelice has received support from the Air Force Research Laboratory to design a position, navigation and timing system that is more secure and reliable than GPS.
Sanfelice, a UC Santa Cruz professor of electrical and computer engineering, offers deep expertise in cyber-physical systems and a long history with the institution.