Women in Tech: A Symposium on Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Women in Tech: A Symposium on Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Join us on November 30 for Women in Tech: A Symposium on Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

Despite evidence suggesting that diverse leadership teams can benefit workplace culture and the bottom line, female technologists and investors still often struggle to find support for their ideas.

This public half-day symposium will highlight the experience of women in the tech industry—from established companies to startups and the venture capital firms that support them. The event will also recognize those who have championed the advancement of women in technology through the Women in Tech Initiative Athena Awards. Attendees will come away with actionable suggestions for overcoming gender-based challenges and improving the workplace climate for all.

Women in Tech: A Symposium on Innovation & Entrepreneurship


11:15 Registration & lunch

12:00 Welcome

12:15 Keynote: Poornima Vijayashanker, Founder, Femgineer; Founding engineer, Mint.com

12:45 Panel 1

Highlights successes that have contributed to positive momentum for women in technology startup companies and venture firms.

2:00 Break & facilitated conversation regarding workplace climate challenges

  • Kara Sammet, Inclusion & Leadership Strategist, Gender Lenz

2:45 Panel 2

Explores the current state of research and presents innovative strategies for creating inclusive environments, promoting accountability, and reducing discrimination in the workplace.

4:00 Keynote: Laura Kray, Professor, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

4:30 Women in Tech Initiative Athena Awards Presentations

5:15 Closing remarks

5:30 Networking reception

6:00 Adjourn

Learn more about the symposium: http://womenintech17.eventbrite.com/

Presented by the Women in Technology Initiative at the University of CaliforniaCITRIS and the Banatao InstituteUC Berkeley College of Engineering, and the Center for Long-term Cybersecurity.

Sponsored by Facebook, CITRIS FoundryThe Coleman Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership, UC Berkeley School of InformationBerkeley Center for New Media (BCNM), Haas Women in LeadershipStartup@BerkeleyLawSkyDeckUC Berkeley Extension, The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) and the UC Berkeley Bakar Fellows Program.

Additional sponsors to be announced. For sponsorship opportunities, please contact witi@berkeley.edu.