Upcoming Open Data Conference at UC Berkeley Attracting World Wide Audience

(Excerpt reposted from www.cafwd.org, 08/26/2013 by Ed Coghlan)

If you think you’re hearing the term “Open Data” a lot more, well, that’s a good thing. The increase in emphasis on getting more public information into the hands of California residents is a key tenet for improving how the state is governed.  A big part of what we do at California Forward is to press for more access to data so that people can make sure their governments are being held accountable for results.

The Open Data topic will get a full hearing on September 12 at UC Berkeley as a full day exploring the importance that open data can have on improving governance. It is being organized by the Institute of Government Studies and CITRIS Data & Democracy Initiative in a unique collaboration between Berkeley’s social science and engineering sectors.

California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and Steven Adler, IBM’s Information Strategists & Chair, will be among the featured speakers. A full day’s agenda highlights 27 separate speakers and panelists at the event which will be held in the Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall at UC Berkeley. The speakers will represent all levels of government, software firms, nonprofit and public interest organizations, as well as academia. … [Full post here.]


To learn more about the conference agenda, please visit http://igs.berkeley.edu/events/open-data and to register for the conference please visit http://citris-opendata.eventbrite.com


Can Open Data Improve Democratic Governance?
Thursday September 12, 2013, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall
University of California, Berkeley

Sponsored by:
UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies &
CITRIS Data & Democracy Initiative

Co-Sponsors: California Forward, UC Berkeley School of
Information, UC Berkeley Canadian Studies Program,
and the Canadian Consulate General/San Francisco-Silicon Valley