Scientific Colloquium for Healthcare, Engineering and Medicine (SCHEME III)

The talks from this event are online:


This session is the next one in our series of bringing together clinicians and medical researchers to discuss possible research collaborations.

The keynote speaker: Jonah Frohlich, Deputy Secretary for Health Information Technology, California Department of Health and Human Services Agency.  Jonah has led the Schwarzenegger administration’s efforts to achieve statewide electronic health data exchange, uniform interoperability standards and adoption of health information technologies, such as e-prescribing.  In addition, we’ll be presenting exciting new developments at CITRIS to expand the infrastructure and other resources devoted to health care research.

The core of the day will be a series of four panels where you can join other CITRIS researchers in reviewing the state of current activity and discuss new opportunities.  The panels will cover: Sensors, Point of Care Diagnostics, Imaging, and Robotics, Virtual Reality and Simulation.  Between panel sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to meet other researchers over lunch, and tour the UCDMC Innovation Center.


8:30 AM        Welcome and Introduction to CITRIS
Paul Wright, Ph.D., Director, CITRIS
Thomas Nesbitt, M.D., Associate Vice Chancellor, Strategic Technologies and Alliances, UCDHS

8:45 AM       
Technology, Innovation and the Challenge to CITRIS
Jonah Frohlich, Deputy Secretary for Health Information Technology, California Health and Human Services Agency

9:30 AM       
CITRIS Health Care Strategy
Javeed Siddiqui, M.D., Medical Director, CITRIS
Steven DeMello, Director of Health Care, CITRIS

10:00 AM        Break

10:15 AM        CITRIS Health Care Infrastructure
S.J. Ben Yoo, Director, CITRIS UC Davis
David J. Harry, Ph.D., Director of Technology Operations, California Telehealth

11:00 AM        Research Panels:

Heather Young, Associate Vice Chancellor for Nursing, UCD
John Canny, Ph.D., Professor, EECS, UCB
Ruzena Bajcsy, Ph.D., Professor, EECS and Mechanical Engineering, UCB
Edmund Seto, Ph.D., Lecturer, Public Health, UCB
Soheil Ghiasi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Computer and Electrical Engineering, UCD

Point-of-Care Diagnostics:
Ming Wu, Ph.D., CITRIS Chief Scientist, Berkeley
Nam Tran, Ph.D., Associate Director, Point-of-Care Technologies Center,
Tingrui Pan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, UCD
Lydia Sohn, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UCB

12:15 PM        Lunch and Tours of Innovation Center

1:30 PM        Research Panels:

Steven Conolly, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Bioengineering, UCB
Tony Keaveny, Ph.D., Professor, Mechanical and Bioengineering, UCB
Louise Kellogg, Ph.D., Professor of Geophysics and Director of the KeckCAVES, UCD

Robotics, Virtual Reality and Simulation:
Aaron Bair, M.D., M.Sc., Director of Emergency Medicine Simulation and Disaster Management, UCDMC
Douglas Boyd, M.D., M.Ed., Professor, Surgery, UCDMC
Stefano Carpin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Engineering, UCM
Kenneth Goldberg, Ph.D., Professor, EECS and IEOR, UCB
Jacob Rosen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, UCSC

2:45 PM        Wrap Up and Closing Remarks
Thomas Nesbitt, M.D., Associate Vice Chancellor, Strategic Technologies and Alliances, UCDHS

3:00 PM        Adjourn
