Ben Yoo

S.J. “Ben” Yoo served as director of CITRIS at UC Davis from 2001–11.

His research involves advanced switching techniques and optical communications systems for the Next Generation Internet. Prior to joining UC Davis, he was a senior scientist at Bellcore leading technical efforts in optical networking research. His research activities at Bellcore included optical-label switching for the Next Generation Internet, power transients in reconfigurable optical networks, wavelength interchanging cross-connects, wavelength converters, vertical-cavity lasers, and high-speed modulators.

Yoo received a B.S. degree with distinction in electrical engineering, an M.S. degree in electrical engineering, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering with a minor in physics, all from Stanford University. Yoo is a senior member of IEEE/LEOS and a member of OSA and Tau Beta Pi.