Know an inspiring leader who promotes the inclusion of women in tech? Nominate them for the 2021 Women in Tech Initiative Athena Awards!
The Women in Tech Initiative Athena Awards recognize those who embody, encourage, and promote the inclusion of women in tech. Awardees are leaders who inspire others to pursue and persist in technical careers by way of their outstanding contributions, service, and mentorship to foster inclusion in science and technical fields. Open to all candidates regardless of gender, age, institutional affiliation, and country of residence. Submissions are due by Friday, November 6, 2020.
2021 Women in Tech Initiative Athena Awards Categories:
- Executive Leadership (individual)
- Academic Leadership (individual)
- Early Career (individual)
- Next Generation Engagement (organization)
The awards will be announced during the annual Women in Tech Symposium on March 12, 2021, which celebrates innovators and explores the experiences of women in tech-related fields.
Executive Leadership Award
The Executive Leadership Award recognizes individuals (all genders) who demonstrate exceptional leadership by supporting the professional development and promotion of women in technology within their companies, organizations, or the field at large.
Selection Criteria
- Demonstrating leadership and innovation in promoting greater diversity and inclusion in the field or sector
- Expanding opportunities for engaging women in technology
- Demonstrating impact at scale on advancing women’s professional achievements in technology
- Nominees typically have at least 5 years of experience in their executive leadership role(s) in companies with more than 500 employees
Academic Leadership Award
The Academic Leadership Award recognizes senior leaders in academia or national labs (faculty or staff) who have a demonstrated record of technical accomplishments and have encouraged or mentored young scholars or colleagues.
Selection Criteria
- Undertaking technically innovative work
- Demonstrating leadership in their field
- Expanding opportunities for engaging girls in technology and science
- Mentoring students, postdocs, junior faculty and/or young women professionals
- Nominees typically have at least 10 years of experience in their academic leadership role(s)
Early Career Award
The Early Career Award recognizes promising young STEM leaders in industry, academia, or the public sector.
Selection Criteria
- Undertaking technically innovative work
- Demonstrating potential for leadership in their field
- Expanding opportunities for engaging girls in technology and science
- Demonstrating impact on advancing women’s participation in technology and science
- Nominees typically have fewer than 5 years in their career
Next Generation Engagement Award
The Next Generation Engagement Award recognizes organizations or programs that encourage girls or young women to pursue interests in STEM careers.
Selection Criteria
- Demonstrating innovation in expanding extracurricular opportunities for girls and young women to explore technology and science
- Demonstrating impact on advancing women’s participation in technology and science
- Demonstrating support for young women undertaking college-level, graduate or postgraduate studies in technology and science
- Supporting and highlighting accomplishments of women and girls in technology