New Manufacturing Revolution: 3D Printing and its Impact on Society

New Manufacturing Revolution: 3D Printing and its Impact on Society

CITRIS is hosting a lunchtime panel discussion on the New Manufacturing Revolution on Wednesday, November 6, from noon to 1:30 pm in the Banatao Auditorium of Sutardja Dai Hall. This talk is being co-sponsored by the UC Berkeley Institute for Research on Labor and Employment.

Please register online for the event at UC Berkeley:


Peter Marsh, The Financial Times
Paul Markillie, The Economist
Björn Hartmann, UC Berkeley
John Zysman, UC Berkeley
Moderated by Paul K. Wright, UC Berkeley

Paul Markillie is a senior editor at The Economist. Paul worked for a number of national newspapers in Britain before joining the magazine in 1986 to work for the business section, where he covered transportation industries, including the automotive and aerospace businesses. In 1994 he moved to Hong Kong to become the magazine’s first Asian business correspondent, covering greater China, South-East Asia, South Korea, and Australia. In 1998, he was appointed Asia Editor. After helping to develop and working as a special features editor, he became Innovation Editor, a newly created post, in 2008. Paul principally writes about technological developments for the science and business sections. He has a strong interest in manufacturing technology and in 2012 wrote The Economist special report “The Third Industrial Revolution”, which attracted worldwide interest.

Peter Marsh is the author of “The New Industrial Revolution: Consumers, Globalization and the End of Mass Production”. He worked at the Financial Times from 1983-2013, based in London and most recently as manufacturing editor. During his tenure, he also covered technology, economics, chemicals industry, and insurance scandals. Peter has previously worked as a journalist at the New Scientist, Luton Evening Post, and Building Design.

Björn Hartmann, Assistant Professor in EECS, UC Berkeley

John Zysman, Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley

Moderator: Paul K. Wright, Director, CITRIS; Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley; and Director, BECI.