Lt. Gov. Newsom Makes Disaster Preparedness Top Priority Based on Insights from CA Report Card

A new mobile website is making a difference in the California government. The California Report Card allows residents to directly advise elected leaders on state priorities. This collective intelligence is closely studied by Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, who developed it in partnership with the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative at UC Berkeley. Input from the public during its first six weeks revealed strong support statewide for more attention to disaster preparedness.

“Disaster Preparedness is now my top priority,” Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom announced Thursday at UC Berkeley. “Whether through public education and outreach, advance warning systems, or protecting our infrastructure – we must leverage technology, innovation, and the public will to revive our woefully inadequate disaster preparedness structure.”

Disaster Preparedness is now my top priority. – Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom

The Lieutenant Governor has long been a strong supporter of disaster preparedness. As the San Francisco Mayor, he helped launch – the award-winning online resource for city residents. He and his team are now considering how new technology can improve preparedness for earthquakes and wildfires throughout California.

This will be the focus of Version 2.0 of the California Report Card, due out in July. Lieutenant Governor Newsom invites all Californians to express their ideas and priorities: “The California Report Card is the antidote to cynicism — it amplifies the voice of the public every day, not just on Election Day.”

The website is accessible from all screens. Visit the website and click “Participate”:

For more information, please contact:

Ken Goldberg
Faculty Director, CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative |
Cellphone: 415-722-5649