Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems

Embedded computers and networks are being used more and more pervasively to monitor and control physical processes in feedback loops where physical processes affect computations and vice versa.  The Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS) is building foundational theories and practical tools for these systems in ways that combine computation, networking, and physical dynamics. The economic and societal potential of such systems are great, and major investments are being made worldwide to develop this technology.

CHESS is focusing on the study of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs)—integrations of computation, networking, and physical processes. There are considerable challenges, particularly because the physical components of such systems introduce safety and reliability requirements qualitatively different from those in general-purpose computing.  Moreover, the standard abstractions used in computing do not fit the physical parts of the system well.

Applications of CPS include high confidence medical devices and systems, assisted living, traffic control and safety, advanced automotive systems,  energy conservation, avionics, instrumentation, critical infrastructure control, distributed robotics (telepresence, telemedicine), manufacturing, and smart structures.

Enchancing flight security and route efficiency is one of many project CHESS researchersare addressing.