What’s so good about the Smart Grid – A Look at Renewables
Seminar: i4Energy seminar | November 5 | 12-1 p.m. | 250 Sutardja Dai Hall
Terry Mohn, Chief Innovation Officer, Balance Energy
Part of the Fall 2010 i4Energy Seminar Series. Live broadcast at:
Questions can be sent via Yahoo IM to username: citrisevents.
As serious environmental issues become part of dinner conversation, utilities are faced with not only technology upgrades, but also dealing with new systemic impact that occur behind the meter. Adding renewable energy resources into distribution and transmission power systems can be accomplished through a smarter power grid when the integration includes a coordinated control strategy. Some call this the “microgrid” control strategy.
Application of renewable resources will provide environmentally clean, and eventually, cost effective energy alternatives to the existing mix of electric generation assets. An even more interesting consideration is that integrating distributed energy resources (DER) will likely become the normal state, as siting transmission becomes more challenging. DER requires addressing facets of both the underlying analog-centric electrical power system and the nascent digital-centric information infrastructure. As smart grid develops, integration and optimization of grid control logic are areas that stand as key enablers to a rapid growth of renewable generation.
This session focuses on the systematic disturbances occurring from variable generation sources and the connection issues that technology suppliers, as well as utilities, are facing in this new “renewable” future.
citriseditor@citris-uc.org, 510-643-4866
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