Results from the Building-to-Grid Testbed Experiments in Cory Hall
Seminar: i4Energy seminar | September 24 | 12-1 p.m. | Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Aud., 3rd Floor
David Culler, Professor, Associate Chair of EECS, UC Berkeley
CITRIS (Ctr for Info Technology Research in the Interest of Society)
Part of the Fall 2010 i4Energy Seminar Series.
We recently completed a dense electrical metering and wireless sensor network deployment in Cory Hall as part of a California Energy Commission supported Building-to-Grid Testbed to explore how an extremely complex load can potentially cooperate with the grid, both for demand response and for increasing the penetration of renewable supplies. While developing a robust and useful embedded network of several hundred sense points is challenging in any setting, the age and extensive redesign of Cory Hall made it especially so. This talk will discuss the methodology of the project, the experiences of actually pulling it off, and the modern embedded web services that make this facility a huge enabler for research in this area. And along the way we have managed to shed a substantial fraction of the load., 510-643-4866
Available Now: Culler’s CITRIS talk, 2010