i4Energy Seminar: Challenges to the Integration of Renewable Resources at High System Penetration

Challenges to the Integration of Renewable Resources at High System Penetration

Seminar: i4Energy seminar | September 17 | 12-1 p.m. | Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Aud., 3rd Floor

Alexandra Von Meier, Professor, Environmental Studies and Planning, Sonoma State University

CITRIS (Ctr for Info Technology Research in the Interest of Society)

The successful integration of renewable resources in the electric grid at high penetration levels – that is, sufficient to meet a 33% renewables portfolio standard for California – entails diverse technical and organizational challenges. These challenges are described here in terms of a coordination problem in time and space, balancing electric power on a range of scales from microseconds to decades, and from individual homes on distribution feeders to hundreds of miles. This talk will explain some of the technical details of coordination on the various scales, and highlight crucial research needs toward assuring that “smart grid” development can effectively support the optimal use of renewable resources.

Part of the Fall 2010 i4Energy Seminar Series. Live broadcast at mms://media.citris.berkeley.edu/webcast; Questions can be sent via Yahoo IM to username: citrisevents. The schedule for the fall i4energy series is at http://www.citris-uc.org/events/i4energy-fall2010

citriseditor@citris-uc.org, 510-643-4866

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