Healthy Davis Together (HDT), a collaboration between UC Davis and the city of Davis, California, has helped keep the region’s COVID positivity rates at less than 5 percent, even while the state’s rates were around 20 percent. HDT provides free testing, vaccinations, masks, and isolation and quarantine housing to UC Davis students, faculty members and staffers; Davis city residents; local workers; and visitors.
CITRIS affiliates have been instrumental to the partnership’s success: Thomas Nesbitt, campus director for CITRIS at UC Davis Health and faculty director of the CITRIS Health initiative, first suggested the university-city cooperative to key administrators, and Tod Stoltz, UC Davis Health director of business development and a CITRIS staff member, currently serves as HDT’s chief operating officer (COO).
Photo Credit: Daniel Kim for the Sacramento Bee. A woman walks in between masked statues of children running in July 2020 in Davis, California.