The i4Energy Seminar Series Fall 2012 Schedule is below. It includes a new start time: 1:00 pm. Please note that the Spring 2013 semester will be moving back to 12:00 pm.
The CITRIS-LBNL-CIEE i4Energy Center focuses on the development of information technology systems that facilitate significant energy and cost savings.
Free and open to the public, the i4Energy Speaker Series is a weekly roundtable of lectures and discussions that highlight these research issues. All talks take place at 1:00 pm on Fridays in 310 Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Auditorium on the UC Berkeley campus unless otherwise indicated. Cookies and fruit are provided at the talks
Ask questions live on Twitter: #CITRISi4E. All talks may be viewed on our YouTube channel:
Web viewing at UC Davis: 1007 or 1065 Kemper Hall
Web viewing at UC Merced: SE1 100
Web viewing at UC Santa Cruz: SOE E2 Building, Room 595B
SEPTEMBER 7 Keeping Your Cool in the Data CenterCliff Federspiel, Vigilent
Link to YouTube video
SEPTEMBER 14 Sensors, Networks, Usability, and Thermostats: How New Techniques Facilitate Energy Savings in an Old TechnologyTherese Peffer, CIEE
Link to YouTube video
SEPTEMBER 21 The Real Reasons We Must Have a Smart Grid for the 21st CenturyMerwin Brown, CIEE
Link to YouTube video
SEPTEMBER 28 Proximity-Based Monitoring of Electric CircuitsIgor Paprotny, UC Berkeley
Link to YouTube video
OCTOBER 5 Bringing New Technology To Market, A Case Study on Tesla Motors Sourcing Strategy Milo Werner, Tesla Motors
Link to YouTube video
Alt location: Room 250, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
OCTOBER 19 A New View of Power Distribution Systems: Peering at Power Flow and Stability with Micro-SynchrophasorsAlex McEachern, Power Standards Lab
Link to YouTube video
Alexandra von Meier, CIEE
OCTOBER 26 sMAP: Simple Measurement and Actuation for Integrating and Managing Physical DataStephen Dawson-Haggerty, Computer Science Dept., UC Berkeley
Link to YouTube video
NOVEMBER 2 Piezoelectric Fan Cooling for Enhancement of LEDSAlic Chen, UC Berkeley
Link to YouTube video
NOVEMBER 9 Vibration Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor NetworksLindsay Miller, UC Berkeley
Link to YouTube video
NOVEMBER 16 Algorithms for Advanced Lighting ControlsKonstantino Papamichael, UC Davis
Link to YouTube video
NOVEMBER 30 ThermoVote: Participatory Sensing for Efficient and High Quality Building ConditioningAlberto Cerpa, UC Merced
Link to YouTube video
Alt location: Room 250, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
DECEMBER 7 Infrastructure Mediated SensingEric Larson, University of Washington
Link to YouTube video