Speaker: Kamyar Guivetchi, California Department of Water Resources
Talk title: “Themes of California Water Plan Update: Integrate, Align and Invest”
Live broadcast at http://video.citris.berkeley.edu/playlists/webcast. Ask questions live on Twitter: #CITRISRE.
Free and open to the public, the Research Exchange Seminar Series is a weekly roundtable of presentations and discussions that highlights ways to frame and tackle societal-scale research issues. Registration is required for lunch at UC Berkeley.
Webviewing from other campuses:
- Webviewing at UC Davis: 1007 Kemper Hall
- Webviewing at UC Merced: SE 138 (NEW LOCATION)
- Webviewing at UC Santa Cruz: SOE E2 Building, Room 595B
- mms://media.citris.berkeley.edu/webcast (WMV format)
- http://video.citris.berkeley.edu/playlists/webcast (Flash format)