This talk will review the exciting current trends and future directions in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to enable a Smarter Planet. The implication for society, ICT workforce, and technical education will be explored. With an anemic economic recovery underway and globalization concerns creating uncertainty, community-minded ICT educators should take heart and continue to be motivated for several key reasons that will be presented The ICT transformation that happened in the private sector is about to happen for the public sector, but in some surprising ways that will increase demand for local ICT education especially. This talk will provide a broad, high-level view of local and global changes, and what will drive the local, regional demand for ICT talent in the future.
Dr. James Spohrer works to align IBM and universities in regional innovation ecosystems globally. Previously, he helped found IBM’s first Service Research group, the global Service Science community, and was founding CTO of IBM’s Venture Capital Relations Group in Silicon Valley.