Talk Title: Technology and Cultural Preservation
Speaker: Nicola Lercari
Date: October 26, 2016, Wednesday, 12-1pm
Location: Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
Nicola Lercari is Assistant Professor of World Heritage at UC Merced. He investigates digital preservation of heritage, cross-media systems for museums, and the analytical and interpretative role of the visualization of the past.
Climate change, prolonged drought periods, the lack of cultural awareness and funding for physical conservation pose severe threats to the preservation of California’s natural and cultural heritage. Digital technologies of data capture and data curation provide viable solutions for the documentation, interpretation, and preservation of heritage sites. Nonetheless, more work needs to be done to understand the effects of new, emerging technologies in creating constituencies engaged in the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. Thus, this talk explores the social role of augmented reality (A/R), mobile apps, and crowdsourcing platforms for citizen science, in fostering cultural awareness and communication among communities of park and museum visitors. This presentation displays the preliminary results of the CITRIS-funded research project Bodie Digital Community – Connect with your Past. The ideas, methods, technologies, and initiatives, we designed in this project, provide an opportunity to preserve Bodie for years to come. At the same time, this project is a starting point to create social technologies for heritage preservation that will contribute to protect many other natural and cultural places worldwide.
Free and open to the public, the CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar Series is a weekly dialogue highlighting leading voices on societal-scale research issues. Each one-hour seminar takes place on Wednesdays and starts at 12pm Pacific time, and is hosted live in the Banatao Auditorium at Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus (*unless otherwise noted).
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