Wed, March 21, 2018
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT
Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley
Micro-Synchrophasors for Distribution Systems with Sascha von Meier, Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley and directs the Electric Grid Research program at the California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE)
Making electric grids more intelligent, resilient and carbon-neutral hinges on innovation at the distribution level, the nexus between customers and the larger scale transmission system. A key challenge in this area has been the need for high-quality data, to give visibility into the actual operating state of distribution networks. Five years ago, a Berkeley-led team embarked on an ambitious ARPA-E funded project to develop a new type of sensor, the micro-PMU, and a new database to facilitate the use of these rich, synchronized time-series measurements in grid operations and analysis. This talk will summarize outcomes of this project and some of the ongoing research, at Berkeley and around the world, that builds on the new technology.
Free and open to the public. Register online by Monday for a free lunch at UC Berkeley. The CITRIS Research Exchange Seminar Series is a weekly dialogue highlighting leading voices on societal-scale research issues. Each one-hour seminar starts at 12pm Pacific time and is hosted live at Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC Berkeley campus.
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